Plotting dewpoint - using the mold indicator integration

I use sensors throughout the house which are able to measure temperature and absolute humidity levels. I would like to plot the dewpoint for each of these sensors (rooms). I have configured a mold indicator for one room for testing:

  - platform: mold_indicator
    name: mold.livingroom
    indoor_temp_sensor: sensor.livingroom_temperature
    indoor_humidity_sensor: sensor.livingroom_humidity
    outdoor_temp_sensor: sensor.terasse_temperature
    calibration_factor: 2.0

This works. However, I am struggeling to plot the attribute dewpoint. How can I access it? Thank you!

Not helping with this, I’m sorry. But I am also interested in a “mold indicator” and I guess dew point is crucial there.

Any info you could point to, where I can start to set something up?

Temp/humidity sensors I got a lot of.

You have two options:

  1. Break the attribute out into its own sensor using a template sensor and graph that using the core history graph, or
  2. Use a 3rd party graph card that supports attributes, like apex charts.


It requires an outdoor temperature sensor and indoor temperature and humidity sensors.

Great, apex charts work. Will try the template sensor route next (in order to avoid 3rd party extentions as much as possible). Thank you!

I still stuck breaking out the dewpoint attribute as a sensor:

  - platform: mold_indicator
    name: mold.livingroom
    indoor_temp_sensor: sensor.livingroom_temperature
    indoor_humidity_sensor: sensor.livingroom_humidity
    outdoor_temp_sensor: sensor.terasse_temperature
    calibration_factor: 2.0
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Dew point'
        entity_id: mold.livingroom
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('mold.livingroom', 'dewpoint') }}"
        unit_of_measurement: '°C'

I get the following error message I am unable to properly decode/understand:
configuration is not valid: Invalid config for [sensor.template]: invalid slug sensor.livingroom_dewpoint (try sensor_livingroom_dewpoint) for dictionary value @ data['sensors']. Got OrderedDict([('sensor.livingroom_dewpoint', OrderedDict([('friendly_name', 'Dew point'), ('entity_id', 'mold.livingroom'), ('value_template', "{{ state_attr('mold.livingroom', 'dewpoint') }}"), ('unit_of_measurement', '°C')]))]). (See ?, line ?).

Any hint on what I am doing wrong? Thank you!

Don’t use decimal points in your sensor slug, do this instead:

  - platform: template

It actually told you that in the error if you look closely.

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Thanks @tom_l !

I fixed more mistakes. Now it works:

  - platform: mold_indicator
    name: mold.livingroom
    indoor_temp_sensor: sensor.livingroom_temperature
    indoor_humidity_sensor: sensor.livingroom_humidity
    outdoor_temp_sensor: sensor.terasse_temperature
    calibration_factor: 2.0
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Dewpoint" 
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mold_livingroom', 'dewpoint') }}"
        unit_of_measurement: '°C'

I have been trying to get this to work and all I get is Unavailable.

  • platform: mold_indicator
    name: mold.master
    indoor_temp_sensor: sensor_master_multisensor_temperature
    indoor_humidity_sensor: sensor_master_multisensor_temperature
    outdoor_temp_sensor: sensor_openweathermap_temperature
    calibration_factor: 1.2

This would be a great sensor, but really doesn’t seem to function.