Plugwise (Anna) breaking changes

Since 2024.12 the Smile / Anna climate doesn’t work anymore!

  1. The history doesn’t show the heating anymore (see picture)
  2. The presets aren’t recognised anymore but setting temp works (away / sleep / etd)

Please help / fix!


That’s strange, no changes for Anna in 2024.12 (I’m a Plugwise Integration-owner).
What does your binary_sensor Opentherm Heating show?

I have an Adam + Anna, it works for me:

I have something similar:

The status is the default Plugwise Anna panel does not update correctly.
The binary_sensor.onoff_heating entity is updating correctly, the status in
the entity: climate.anna does not get updates, see attached picture.

I use the Plugwise Anna in on/off, not with OpenTherm

Any help greatly appreciated!
