Plugwise Plugs component


When installing the Component in HA I get a Timeout on the USB stick. Just installed the Stretch again and the USB stick works.
I add the Stick in a Windows Desktop and the HA runs on a VM from Oracle VirtulsBox. The USB is visible at the Hardware of HA. Does anyone have an idea?

If it’s the first time you run the integration in HA the timeout is probaly while it trying to connect to the circle+. The Circle+ needs to be online/reachable to retreive the other registered nodes.
If you move the stick to another machine which is located at a different physical location it could take a little while before the Circle+ is reachable.

it works!!!

Thanks for your answer!


How do I add new Circle modules?
Circle+ module is working via HA, but my two other Circles are invisible.


Other circle modules registered within the same plugwise network are automatically detected and added to HA. Only the first time they should be online and reachable during startup of HA to detect the device type. Any future startup if a circle device is offline it will be marked as unavailable and will be made available when it’s reachable at the next polling interval.

Unless you have a notification of failed discovered nodes in the HA log, I guess the missing devices are not registered within the plugwise network yet.
At the moment (it’s on my todo list to make this possible from HA) you still need to register additional circle devices using the plugwise (windows) source software. Once they are registered they will be detected in HA at next startup.
In the end the MAC addresses of registered devices are saved inside the memory of the Circle+ device. All discovered devices at HA are based on this memorylist at the circle+ device.


Thanks for your answer.
This is the problem.
Before adding the USB and the Circl + to HA I first reset them.
That is why they are no longer in the network.
What I can do is add the USB in the Plugwise Stretch and reconfigure it and then add it back to the HA.
Then it should work.
Or you must have the feature to add it via HA ready in the short term.


Please add them using the stretch. I won’t be able to add the “join” function soon as I’ve not written any additional code for both the pypi and HA yet.

I have done this.
Alle the Cirlces are now visible.
The Circle+ works fine, but i’am get unreliable response from the two Circles, see the
attachment. Sometimes they give information and sometimes I get the message “unknown”. The other Circle always gives this. The Circles can be switched on and off via HA.

Aantekening 2020-07-14 142222

I’ve seen this behavior before when the value of the sensor is 0 (zero) and not changing. Please check if you’re running the latest Custom Component v1.0.1 which should have fixed this.

In my system, the unknown values are back after upgrading to v1.0.1, from v0.9.1:

The values all should show “0” as there is no load connected to this Stealth+.

The values for my Circle, with at load connected, are all correct.

Hi @brefra,

Could you put the HA component/integration in a separate GIT archive? Makes it easier for other people to contribute.

Thanks for your effort !

Hi, same here.
The component is running on v1.0.1

Onbekend = Unknown

Is rolling back to v0.9.1 a option or waiting for a bugfix?

If it worked on v0.9.1, yes, rolling back is a good option.

I don’t have a solution for this “Unknown” bug at the moment. As Bouwe already mentioned rollback to v0.9.1 would be a quick fix for now. I won’t be able to investigate this before next week (currently out of town)

Unfortunately the review of the PR, to get this integration added as a native integration, takes longer as I expected. Apparently the core developers are a bit more focused on performance and stability which I do understand.
In the meantime I’ll try to make this integration available in HACS next week too.

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Rollback tot v0.9.1 fixed the probelem.


@brefra, succes with the fixes and inthegration in HACS.

I finally took the time to move over from the component build by Cyberjunky available in HACS to this one build by Brefra. I was planning for this a long time and it wasn’t that much work I noticed! :smiley:
Great work! Really nice, I’ve installed the latest release v1.0.1. Looks like it is working fine but 3 Circles are not being found at the moment. Maybe I will try a restart in one hour, but 1 Circle + and 5 other Circles are found correctly.

To make it more shiny, maybe an idea to add the legacy Plugwise logo to the integration? plugwise

I’ll post an update in the next days on how it is running! :blush: :partying_face:

Thank you for the good work @brefra!

I’ve updated the starting post with the link to the files and a short install instruction.

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The missing Circles should be appear as soon as they’re reachable. The v1.0.1 version will try to communicate and detect the device type during the first hour at every update cycle, thereafter it will try once an hour. As soon as communication/detection is succesfull the plug will be added to HA automatically. No restart required for this. :wink:

I like your suggestion to use the legacy logo instead.

This in the log:

> 2020-07-26 10:42:40 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for plugwise_stick which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.
> 2020-07-26 10:42:40 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for breaking_changes which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.
> 2020-07-26 10:42:40 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for hacs which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.
> 2020-07-26 10:42:56 WARNING (Thread-2) [plugwise] Reset clock of node ################ because time has drifted -16603 sec
> 2020-07-26 10:43:30 WARNING (Thread-3) [plugwise] Failed to discover registered Plugwise node with MAC '################' before timeout expired.
> 2020-07-26 10:43:30 WARNING (Thread-3) [plugwise] Failed to discover registered Plugwise node with MAC '################' before timeout expired.
> 2020-07-26 10:43:30 WARNING (Thread-3) [plugwise] Failed to discover registered Plugwise node with MAC '################' before timeout expired.

Two of them are really close to the Circle+ and to the others… At this moment I don’t know why they can’t be found.

I have also the other issue; when the value is 0 the state goes to unknown, when there is a value it’s displaying this correct and then goes back to unknown.

I came across this topic: Attribute with value 0 shown as "unknown"