Plugwise Smile custom_component (BETA)

Yeah, forgot you custom install it, hacs prevents against this

Note that with 0.111 it will be mandatory (

Any thoughts on the disappearance of available schemas using the beta rc1?

@Mariusthvdb Please see:

Not really sure what the outcome is if that correspondence tbh…

I’d keep my question especially since the attribute still exists on Core, so it must be available

( though only having one schema now, more will follow) and it should really be available in the climate entity. Imho.

From the issue:

… it looks like Plugwise has changed something. Before, in firmware 3.1, the schedules, also the not selected one(s), were connected to a location. Now, in firmware 4.0, that is no longer the case. The not selected one(s) are no longer connected to a location. So they are not found by our code.
Fixing this will take some time, if we are going to fix it.

I can add: as long as there is no support for switching to a different schedule from within HA, the functionality as it is now, will not be changed.

@Mariusthvdb There is a difference between showing attributes and actually being able to do something with them - in the current Core (Anna-only) component we have outdoor_temperature as an attribute, but this was decided against (initially from Core, we now fully agree). Being there as an attribute holds no value of it actually a) belonging there (temperature didn’t, schema can be up - but wait for it) b) doing something (and this is where HA doesn’t feature support for schema-switching.

As Bouwe already indicated please see Issue #61 in plugwise-beta and you’ll discover we have a pending decision written down in Issue #63 outlining (same repo, link is in the #61) it and also proving why we are at this point.

If you allow me to add to the discussion:

Appreciate the take on not being able to act, I do think it is a primary value, since the thermostat decides to heat or not, based on this value too.
Outside temp is one of the available sensors in Anna logic and is in the Plugwise interface on purpose…

Added to that, in the app this sensor is well hidden… so having it in the Ha interface is a major plus compared to the App

I could understand it would be an extra effort to include it, but taking it out simply because Ha doesn’t act on it is a real let down. There are many sensors in Ha which aren’t manipulated . As a matter of fact, that’s what a sensor is for: representing a current value, and no more.

What temperature better to have in one’s HA system then the value the climate system uses for heating the Home.

It could very well be the most important one, compared to the many weather integrations that all show different values.

Having the Plugwise temp sensor available is of primary importance …

Please don’t take it out!


@Mariusthvdb please don’t mix up things or state things that (imho) don’t go together

Please (also, or at least functional over there) please comment on #63 in github, it will leverage (eventually). Wrt taking things out, selected_schedule isn’t going anywhere - that’s the one pointing out which active (or not) schedule you are (or last were) on.

Taking your posts one by one, abite being a bit blunt about it:

  1. What happened to available_schedules => see #61/#63
  2. outside_temperature had to move, so it moved to a separate sensor, not begin one of the climate.anna attribues (I was merely providing feedback towards your attribute-attempt)
  3. What HA isn’t acting on/providing services for is switching your schedule/schema/whatever you want anything but a couple of presets called => please reply to #63 if anyone finds out that this actually is possible (with abusement as included in that issue)
  4. Scheduled_temperature and temperature of the individual thermostats is shown inside (in your case) climate.anna other sensoric values, not directly affected by a thermostat (or a switch), are stowed under a central device (as indicated before)

And a small sidenote as well, if you auxiliairy_device (whichever that is) actually (physically!) has an outdoor_temperature sensor, the value is just ‘taken from the internet’ just like all them other apps.

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I do think I mixed up some things, sorry for that…

If necessary Ill add to #63 there, for this thread, only thing left then is the outdoor temp.

Maybe I even misread that… I understand you take it out as an attribute, which would be fine. As long as the separate sensor still is created? Because:

That might be correct, but this is the only one, the Plugwise thermostat uses, and not any of the other weather integration temperature sensors. So it is of primary value for the HA instance.

Thanks for your extensive reply!

cheers, and keep on improving the Plugwise integration, truly appreciated!

Please test version v0.2.12rc1, the available_schemas issue was much easier to solve than we were expecting.

All there!

Legacy Anna (firmware 1.8) users, please see this:

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FYI version 0.2.13 is available on the github.
This version is very close to what will be available in HA Core once all PR’s have been merged.

Guys I can confirm the updates. The last couple of days I went from 1.8.0 -> 3.1.11 -> 4.0.19

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FYI v0.2.15 v0.2.14 is available:

  • more bugfixes and changes under the hood
  • fixes for bugs that have appeared recently,
  • changes under the hood, related to the process of getting the code into HA Core.

FYI, due to especially @CoMPaTech’s efforts, all our Plugwise-PR’s have been accepted and merged into the HA Core dev-branch.
This means that what you know as Plugwise-beta v0.2.15 will become available als Plugwise official in the next HA Core release: 0.111, replacing the present Plugwise official component.

The updated documentation is available here, for now:


The updated Plugwise component is live in HA Core 0.111.0b0!!


And for those of you waiting for it … 0.111 is out and Plugwise Adam/Anna/P1 are (should?) be happily working for all of you. Feel free to stay on plugwise-beta, remove your integrations and re-add them using Plugwise in core itself or double-up. Enjoy it!

Do read the breaking section (as you should always do) before upgrading. Especially since you need the UI to add the component - other than that naming of the entities (which users probably would call sensors or devices) has changed.

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and are again gone in the core integration on 0.111? Forgive me for getting back to this, it just seems so odd…

and an icon issue:

where before this was showing a percentage icon? maybe a bug, or oversight?