Pollen information

@Henrik, Let me know if you get it, I will do the same in a PM.

Please share.

Could someone please share the API url? Snälla. :wink:

Looking for the secret url, thank you!

im sorry to ask but i am really stuck on how to install https://github.com/JohNan/homeassistant-pollenprognos with hacs. The read me tells me to use a “url” to install, but what is the url?

FYI its not the secret one im asking for.

The “url” is the one you linked just in the sentence before. :slight_smile:

What you want to do is:

Open HACS (from the sidebar), click the three-dots-menu and click on “custom repository”


Now add the url from the Github repo (the one you already posted) and choose “integration”, like in the screenshot

Click “ADD” and the repo will be added to HACS. The refresh should start automatically, but give it a few minutes, just to be sure. Now open the “EXPLORE AND DOWNLOAD REPOSITORIES” and you should find this integration/custom_component. :slight_smile:

But as you said, there is still the secret url you need, to get it running. With this, I “can’t” help. :wink: :slight_smile:

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Paddy your a lifesaver! Thank you so much!

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Hey. I’ve been really bad at following this thread and hand out the url. If anyone still need the url just send me a PM and we’ll sort it out :blush:

How do you set up the look you’re displaying with the gauges? I can only get the standard look:


I’ve been looking for the same… so I’ve just made an attempt to create one https://github.com/nidayand/lovelace-pollen-card

Great job! However there seems to be some issues with it.
#1 - its not possible to install it as a custom repositorie in HACS
#2 - After a manual installation i still get the following error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘attributes’)

my card conf:

type: custom:pollen-card
city: Borlänge
  - Al
  - Alm
  - Ambrosia
  - Björk
  - Gråbo
  - Gräs
  - Hassel
  - Sälg / vide

Not gonna lie, not sure where the options is to send you a PM :slight_smile: <3

And here I am, trying to ask for a secret URL :slight_smile:

Thank you, works great so far!

Ok, that’s odd as it works fine for me to install via HACS… and on #2, are you subscribing to all those allergens in the integration component? Create a ticket in github and I’ll see if I can troubleshoot it

Yup, i’ve got the other pollencard working just fine.
I’ll create a ticket on Github for you.

What do I need to do to get that Secret URL xD ?

I’m wondering the same…

Would you mind sending me the secret url?
Is it the same for e.g. Gävle as for Stockholm?
Best regards, Peter Lindh

Hello, Can I kindly ask for the secret URL? :slight_smile: Like to get the pollenprognos working.

Br Fredrik

Hello, I am looking forward on using this integration. If only could DM with the needed extra URL… :slight_smile: