Pollen information

Hi, getting ready for the spring…
Is there a secret url?
Please can I have one?

@JohNan can you send me the secret URL, you asked to send you a PM, but I don’t see an option to do so.

Hi @JohNan, I would also like the secret API URL. I found something that looked like it might work, but seems broken.

Hi! Is anyone able to send me the secret URL?

I also would like to have the secret url. I really really miss this function.
I live and sneeze in Sweden.

Trying to set up this in the Netherlands, would also appreciate the secret url :wink:

Can someone please send me the secret url please? :blush:

@JohNan can i have the secret url please?

This integrations only works in Sweden unfortunately .

You can use Tomorrow.io - Home Assistant in the Netherlands :wink:

Hi @silverridge, Did you manage to solve this? I have the same issue when installing from HACS.

@nidayand. Silverridges ticket is open and you haven’t responded to it?

As the info provided was little to none I ignored them but should have closed them due to lack of info…

I’d assume that his ticket #1 the integration component was not even installed… and #2 I can only assume that the custom repo was incorrectly (?) classified upon adding the custom repo to HACS and then trying to install it. I’ve tested the config and install of the card on a clean HassOS install. If it still doesn’t work for you, please create a new ticket

hi! Kan man få den hemliga URL:en? (i want the secret URL please)

Jag är för trött för att lista ut den hemliga URL:en. Kan någon dela med sig? Tack.

The season is starting, anyone got the secret URL to share?

Regards Peter!

Can some one please share the secret URL ,I am close to solve it but not clever enough :slight_smile:

Could someone please share the the secret URL?

Please send me the secret URL? Found it, no need to send it :slight_smile:

Can I also get the super secret api url?


Found it!

can you pm me it?