Pollen information

Can somebody send the secret url to me?

+1 for me. I I’d really like to get the secret URL as well :wink:

Please be a kind soul and PM me. Thanks in advance!

… not sure about you but I’m amused that this URL still appear to be a secret with all the supposedly sharing of it :smile: :male_detective:

I am also very interested in this secret url to fetch data :slight_smile: So if someone wants to make my day please send me a PM :slight_smile:

Edit: I got it.

Me too please!

I think the problem is Sälg / vide. Test it by removing said allergen.

If it works, fix it by replacing line 20 in the .js file with the following:

            return intext.toLowerCase().replaceAll("å","a").replaceAll("ä","a").replaceAll("ö","o").replace(' \/ ','_');

Gjorde en fork av kortet som åtgärdar ovan nämnda problem.

La även till alternativet att ange antal dagar (0-4) i kortets lovelace-inställningar; se exempel, kod och bild längst ner på sidan: GitHub - krissen/pollenprognos-card: A custom Lovelace card to display pollen information

I’m interested in the secret url. Can somebody PM me?

I’ve added a minimalistic option; the most minimal being as shown below.

Can be shown with text (level of allergen in parenthesis), as well as with title. More images in examples @ the repo.

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Hej Jonas, jag har inte lyckats få tag på URLen tyvärr. Har du lust att PMa mig? :pray:t3:

Not quite as customisable as you suggested, but I made a stab at making a standalone version of the gauges. Available at sixdegrees-card.

Like so many here, I too am looking for the secret URL.
Can someone pls PM me the URL? :smiley:

Love the minimalistic style! Many thanks!

Would it be possible to add the option to display the highest pollen allergen in severity for the day, with the highest to the left and then the second most and so forth. Right now it’s in alphabetic order.
I just think it would be neat, and easier to see with a quick glance.

Would love that addition, if you think it’s a good feature :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the suggestion! Will look into it, once I have opportunity.

The Pollen season is here.
is it someone that can share the secret url?
Thanks in advance!

The Pollen season always hits me like a ton of bricks…

Is anyone able to share the secret url?



Try the latest release!

In your lovelace configuration of the card, add sort: value_descending

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I liked it so much, the most recent release (v1.0.3) has it sorted by value as default!

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Just updated! It’s awesome! Thanks!

Thanks for implementing it so quickly and for liking the suggestion!

Now I really prefer to check HA instead of the website for the prognosis!

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Would like to use the “secret” URL. Anyone?