Polling automation for Aeotec nano dimmers periodically stops working

I have about 10 Aeotec nano dimmers for my lights. As others have complained previously (Zwave dimmer slow state report when using web sockets - #10 by freshcoast), these are very slow to update their on/off state when turned on, so I have automations configured for each device, to poll it as soon as it changes value. This generally works very well and now the on/off state updates very quickly.

Weirdly, these automations just stop triggering sometimes. This is usually when I’ve had to restart the Z-wave JS integration, but occasionally happens spontaneously as well. This seems to be an issue with the automation itself recognizing the change in value trigger, given that the problem is resolved by either duplicating the existing automation, or simply disabling then re-enabling the same automation. As soon as I do this, they start triggering again.

Anyone know why this is occurring? I’m currently managing the problem by manually running a script when required, to disable then re-enable all the automations again, but wonder if there is an underlying solution.

Thanks. Here’s an example of the automation I’m using.

alias: Z-Wave - Poll Stairs Lights
description: ""
  - platform: device
    device_id: 8165fafbb51858c1c12bcefbb956bd4f
    domain: zwave_js
    type: zwave_js.value_updated.value
    command_class: 38
    property: targetValue
    to: "255"
condition: []
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 500
  - service: zwave_js.refresh_value
        - light.stairs
mode: single

Isn’t that going to cause an infinite loop if the value is 255. You’ll poll it, it’ll report 255 and your automation will run again, which will poll it,….

No, it doesn’t behave this way. When activating the light, the value changes from 0 to 255 which triggers the automation. The refresh value then reports back the light on/off state, brightness etc, but doesn’t re-trigger the automation again.