This is my first complete homebrew solution to integrate my home office phone into home assistant. Basically, I like media playing while I am working, but would like to pause music if I am taking a phone call. It requires a PHP web server, MQTT broker, VVX phone, and optionally media players to control. I never programmed in PHP before, so excuse perhaps some sloppy code. I really can’t wrap my head around Python as a C# developer. Someday I will figure out how to make this a component.
Polycom only offers call state data in its XML format, this parses the XML and produces appropriate information based on what is received. Only tested on Polycom VVX 500.
use Mosquitto\Client;
$random = rand();
define('BROKER', 'localhost');
define('PORT', 1883);
define('CLIENT_ID', (string)"vvx_proxy_{$random}");
define('USERNAME', "username");
define('PASSWORD', "password");
$client = new Mosquitto\Client(CLIENT_ID);
$responsecode = 500;
$xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents("php://input"), "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$mid = 0;
$client->onConnect(function() use ($client, $mid, $xml) {
//$mid = $client->publish('phone/status', print_r($xml, true), 0, false);
$mac = $xml->CallStateChangeEvent->MACAddress;
$statetopic = (string)"phone/{$mac}/state";
$attributetopic = (string)"phone/{$mac}/attributes";
$state = (string)$xml->CallStateChangeEvent->attributes()['CallState'];
$attributes = array();
$lineinfo = $xml->CallStateChangeEvent->CallLineInfo;
foreach ($lineinfo as $line) {
$linenum = $line->LineKeyNum;
$linestate = $line->LineState;
$attributes["line_{$linenum}_state"] = (string)$linestate;
$callstate = $linestate;
$calltype = "None";
$calledpartyname = "";
$callingpartyname = "";
if (property_exists($line, 'CallInfo')) {
$callinfo = $line->CallInfo;
if (property_exists($callinfo, 'CallState')) {
$callstate = $callinfo->CallState;
if (property_exists($callinfo, 'CallType')) {
$calltype = $callinfo->CallType;
if (property_exists($callinfo, 'CalledPartyName')) {
$calledpartyname = $line->CallInfo->CalledPartyName;
if (property_exists($callinfo, 'CallingPartyName')) {
$callingpartyname = $line->CallInfo->CallingPartyName;
$attributes["line_{$linenum}_call_state"] = (string)$callstate;
$attributes["line_{$linenum}_call_type"] = (string)$calltype;
$attributes["line_{$linenum}_called_party_name"] = (string)$calledpartyname;
$attributes["line_{$linenum}_calling_party_name"] = (string)$callingpartyname;
$mid = $client->publish($statetopic,$state,0,false);
$mid = $client->publish($attributetopic,json_encode($attributes),0,false);
$client->onPublish(function($publishedId) use ($client, $mid, $responsecode) {
$responsecode = 200;
$client->connect(BROKER, PORT, 60);
mqtt sensor YAML
{mac} in the format of xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: “phone/{mac}/state”
name: Phone
icon: mdi:deskphone
json_attributes_topic: “phone/{mac}/attributes”
unique_id: phone_{mac}
office automation to announce caller
- id: phone_offering
alias: Phone Offering Phone Call
initial_state: ‘on’
trigger:- platform: state
to: ‘Offering’
action: - delay: 00:00:01
- service: tts.google_say
entity_id: media_player.home_speaker
message: Incoming telephone call from {{ states.sensor.office_phone.attributes.line_1_calling_party_name }}.
- platform: state
office automation to pause playback
- id: phone_busy_disable_speaker
alias: Phone Busy Disable Speaker
initial_state: ‘on’
trigger:- platform: state
from: ‘Free’
condition: state
entity_id: media_player.office_speaker
state: ‘playing’
action: - service: automation.turn_on
entity_id: automation.phone_busy_enable_speaker - service: media_player.media_pause
entity_id: media_player.office_speaker
- platform: state
office automation to resume playback
- id: phone_busy_enable_speaker
alias: Phone Busy Enable Speaker
initial_state: ‘off’
trigger:- platform: state
to: ‘Free’
action: - service: media_player.media_play
entity_id: media_player.office_speaker - service: automation.turn_off
entity_id: automation.phone_busy_enable_speaker
- platform: state