Pool Monitor Device Yieryi BLE-YC01

Thanks for this feedback. I will go change my battery and measure it.
For the Ph, I’m afraid the only option is to recalibrate with the special pouder you received with it.

That I already did initially. Now I need to get a new one somewhere. I should have stored the solutions, but I don’t know how long they remain stable…

i think you can use it only for some minutes/hours. I’ve just bought some more at aliexpress. Here is the link if you want : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004659424588.html

Thanks. meanwhile ordered it from amz since I wanted it soon. As they also sell these solutions in bottles, I guess they must be good for some more time once mixed…
I also got an orp solution, but couldn’t find an affordable TDS one yet (although that’s probably not too important)…

I wonder whether it’s sufficient to just turn off the ble_switch to preserve device battery…

Just wondering if I need to remove the plastic cap at the bottom, I saw a video on YouTube where the person removes it for calibration and I left it without. Readings are weird sometimes, mainly chlorine. Does anyone have the same?

I think the cap is just transport protection and needs to stay off so that water can get to the sensors…

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So this is weird. I now set it to enable the ble_switch every 30min, and upon reading it turns it off immediately. Still, battery goes down like crazy, like 1% every hour… But the device isn’t even connected, and no attempts at connection are made by the ESP32 (only the regular scans). Also, the display is off, as it always is when there is no active connection…

Made a basic native homeassistant integration here:

I only made the native integration, I copied all the parsing and hard work posted in this thread!

Mine has not been calibrated or even in the pool yet, but at least temperature and pH match the display. Please post a github issue with any changes needed (PRs are appreciated). There is no error checking for invalid lines and I used a simple EC * .55 to get Salt. Not sure if that is correct.

This updates every 30 minutes, but that can be changed. Supports native bluetooth and ESPHome proxies. No need for manual setup, it will find the device automatically. Only supports branded BLE-YC01 for now.


Great work.

Installed, no icon here

Cood idea indeed, do the code can be improved and all managed in one place!!

I still sometimes have issues connecting to it, I need to turn on manually the meter and turn on then the switch, then it works… Untill a few hours later… It happened even that there was a freeze on the device, had to remove battery

I have my schedule on 60 min, instead of 30, could that be the reason?

The icon has to be submitted to homeassistant and approved to show up. I may do it eventually, but it is a pain: https://developers.home-assistant.io/blog/2020/05/08/logos-custom-integrations/

Do we need to add it as a custom repository?

Yes, it works as a custom hacs repo.

Will it be on official hacs also soon?

Good work!

Does it have support for multiple devices? I have a BLE-YC01 in both my pool and spa.

Also, using it with an ESPHome proxy, would that cause it to drain the battery faster?

Should one use a ESPHome Bluetooth Proxy that only scans/connects to the BLE devices every x minutes?

Hey, using your HACS

Is it possible to round the battery? now its showing like 90.922862…


Check this: 2023.3: Dialogs! - Home Assistant

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@woopstar: It should support multiple devices, but not tested. I don’t think proxy would drain faster. It will just query on a centrally managed schedule, no matter how many proxies you have. I posted instructions in the readme on how to change the update rate.

@pergola.fabio You can change rounding in lovelace by clicking on entity, then the gear icon. You can also change ORP to mV if you like and the temp between C/F. The little battery in the device settings page does not seem to be able to change.

I will not make it an official HACS addon. It is way too much work. You need to make a PyPi repository for the parser code and follow too many annoying conventions. Anyone is free to copy the code and try to make it official if desired.

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I have an esp32, it’s like max 4 meters away from the monitor, it works for a few hours, but then the connection is gone, and all my entities are gone…

If I power on manually the monitor, then it works again for a few hours…

Maybe I need to play with the window size? What values do you guys use for the esp32 to improve distance with ble?