Pool Monitor Device Yieryi BLE-YC01

mine is outside at 4 meters like you. now problem at all except when battery are getting low. try to connect with your smartphone to see the battery level.
One point I’ve also notice is that time to time, there is some humidity inside the device. So I’ve put more hot glue at the bottom inside and leave an “hydro bag” (the one we received with hard drive or filament).

yeah, i noticed indeed also some water at the inside when i had to reset the device cause it was stuck
still strange it doesnt reconnect anymore :frowning:

Which ESP32 Hardware device do you use fir BLE Monitoring?

I’m using D1 mini

I use the esp32

Just any esp32? I have one with a cam, i have one for my epaper dashboard…

Yeah, just one with Bluetooth, I think all esp32 have them

But I still have disconnects

My esp32 is like 3 meter away… It works for a few hours, then no connection anymore… Untill I power on the yc01 …

Then again it’s stable for a few hours…
No one has the same issue as me? Using the hacs integration

EDIT: never mind, I found it.

I have lost my instruction manual for this device and I want to calibrate it. There is a video on YT but it is only for the pH, not the EC calibration.

Does anyone either know where you can get the manual online, or is prepared to scan theirs and upload it for me (and the general usefulness for other idiots like me). Any help would be lovely :slight_smile:

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Have you anybody tried the BLE-YL01 device? it is tuya zigbee device…

first attempts on github https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/18704

Hi think81, could you upload the last entire code of your Arduino sketch?. Thank You.

He posted it above.

Hmm using the HACS version, but got issues…
Seems the device is stuck and I need to take out batteries…
Also when the integration has found the device, if I then restart HA , it doesn’t reconnect anymore, and all entities are gone… I need to power on manually the device, and then it works again for a limited time…

What could be wrong?

Here you go mate, I see you found yours, but this might be of use to others…



Thanks for making the integration!

Bit of a newbie question here:
it says “The device should be found automatically in a few minutes.” by the integration, does this mean I don’t need to add the code above to my existing ESPHome BTProxy, the integration will do all that?

Or, as I suspect, I load the code on my proxy, then add the integration?

Thanks for your work and advice :slight_smile:

No, no code needed, you just need to enable your esp device as Bluetooth tracker, that’s it…

But for me it doesn’t work stable…if I restart HA it doest connect anymore to the device , untill I power on manually the ble device… But then after 2 hours or more, connection is gone forever, and I need again power it on manually… Not sure what’s wrong

wow that is excellent work! Well done :slight_smile:

I have as ESP D1 mini set up as a BTProxy already passively listening to Xaiomi temp/humidity sensors, so this is perfect.

does power cycling the ESP establish the connection? that would be easy to automate.

As my BLE-YC01 will be in a contained environment (hydro, not bobbing about in a pool) I’m wondering if I could hardwire the power to the battery terminals, thus being able to power cycle it in case of HA reboot.

Also thinking to research making an input helper for the polling frequency: every half hour is fine for general use, but once a week I need to add nutrients so for that hour or so I’d like to be able to get live data, every few seconds or so, then flip it back to half hour updates.

Is there a difference in stability between just using the code as opposed to the integration?

Thanks for the integration @jaaem. Awesome stuff. I’ve already got plenty of LV cables in the garden for pool controlers and lights etc. What are people finding have the best BLE coverage on ESPs?
I know it’s a case of trial and error according to your environment.

Glad you like it. Just trying to give back to community. I need my ESP32 about 2-3 meters from the device and I still get drop outs. It is outside in a plastic bag! 6 meters only worked occasionally, got many drop outs. Having it inside on the other side of the wall from the 6 meter site did not work at all!

what could be the reason its so limited in distance