Popular A9 mini Wi-Fi camera & the HA challenge

I have two cameras of the D9 model that uses 365Cam app on the mobile.
They seem to be a bit different from the once described above. Anyone know if these cams can be used without the mobile app.
Tried to log and it seems like it connects alot to an external site (alot of ipaddresses, this servers a23-62-180-[different numbers here]deply.static.akamaitechnologies.com and last an amazonaws.com server)


please note that those of you who has ports 8080 and 8070 open, it means your camera is in demo mode. it will use an open wifi network that anyone in range can connect to, and then with simple udp packet it will stream video and voice unencrypted in the network. luckily, there is another open port 8090, which can be used to configure a new ssid that the camera will connect to. i’ve managed to successfully connect my camera this way. after the camera boots to the new network, it will no longer be in demo mode and these ports will not be open anymore. instead, the above mentioned PPPP is used, and as it seems, there are numerous solutions already in this thread to communicate with the camera. might as well pack it into a complete project ready to be made as a plugin or integration for HA.

i will upload the code to communicate with 8090 to configure ssid later today

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here’s the code to configure the A9 camera to connect to your wifi and make it leave demo mode.
note - demo mode has static ip address for all cameras. see below.

import socket
import struct

CMD_PORT = 8090

DEMO_IP = ''

def configure_wifi(ssid, pwd):
    assert len(ssid) < 0x20
    assert len(pwd) < 0x20
    data = b"\x66"
    data += ssid.encode()
    data += b"###"
    data += pwd.encode()
    data += b"\x00"
    data += b"\x99"
    sock = send_cmd(data)

    resp1 = sock.recvfrom(1024)
    resp2 = sock.recvfrom(1024)
    resp3 = sock.recvfrom(1024)

    assert resp1 == resp2 == resp3
    return True

def send_cmd(data):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    sock.sendto(data, (DEMO_IP, CMD_PORT))
    return sock
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Anyone from China or Chinese knowledge that can download the following package?
Extraction Code: bbi5

I’ve tried my best using google translate, but I get stuck when I should download some proprietary baidu client software. I don’t want to download shady chinese spyware.
Has anyone succeeded downloading the actual files and can reupload them to a more trustworthy place?

Hi, Hope this can help : shareid-556237598 - Google Drive

Thank you so much!
It seems the package is the same one I could download from somewhere else.
Let’s see if manage to compile and create the bin file and get something useful out of it. Unfortunately I am stuck in some compilation errors.


lo del archivo es una programadora que utiliza el ci bk7252

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My cam looks exact the same, I just grab the rtsp link… You just need to Wireshark the token/secret…

They offer indeed an android app, but then the string goes to cloud… They also offer a windows camera software tool, that grabs the link local and exposes the token… It’s static as long you don’t factory reset the device… So I just use the local rtsp

@pergola.fabio in fact those cams where in the market since 2019 but there are many varient with the same body shell and different soc. The old one that i found on line works with HDminicam apk and pctools on windows. But the newer model use another apk named littlestars (i think) and there is no windows app from my research if you have one feel free to share it (because all link for the first windows app are dead or blocked by my isp)

i have this one…
used this software on PC : HIDVCAM FOR PC - Hidvcam , so easy to wireshark then, as it looks for local devices on the lan…
Is your port 554 open on that IP address? can you check with nmap?

I’m stuck with the following error when compiling:

Anyone with experience about this error or similar?

Ok, now I’m able to compile. I achieved this by using an older complier.
Still no success, the code cannot be bigger than 835584 bytes. The code I found yields 1177644 bytes.

Sweet&Sour news, I have managed to compile and upload (see the build date) the code that could enable the camera to stream by connecting to port 80 however, the camera got bricked:

A hand from someone with “fresh” C knowledge would be appreciated.

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Hello! Could you please share your code? I’d like to help but I can’t do much without the code.

The code I use is the one in the link shared by freeser above in post #116.

Take a look a this link 麻雀一号BK7252音视频开发板基础篇01-开发环境搭建 - 知乎 to get acquittance with the package.

Feel free to send me a private message to dive into the details. It could be a quite steeping curve to get into the matter. I can also update you on the changes I did to the code to downsize the binary file.

BTW, the camera is not 100% bricked so I guess (I hope) I can get it back to “life” quite easily.

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judging by that screenshot, it’s not bricked at all. it looks as if the power key is configured wrong in that code and the firmware immediately turns off the camera…

that’s right, therefore I said it is not 100% bricked however I need to see if I manage to manually engage it to the Wi-Fi to pull the original firmware from the manufacture’s repository (see post #44). BTW, the firmware does not turn off the camera however that green “pwr_btn” message repeats continuously in an infinite loop… another tweak that needs to be done to the code to correct it, hopefully the only one.

The interesting thing I learned is that the IP network configuration, and many other parameters, is done on the OS (RT-Thread). That configuration is then merged with the code, compiled and the bin file generated. What I missed was the Wi-Fi configuration in the RT-Thread, see here, therefore I need to set it up manually.


Hi guys, I have bought A9 (naxclow) camera and try to get from it something without original V720 app. In AP mode, I have no success to get live-video from it, but i able to download a content from it. Live video also works
My script and more details available here: https://github.com/intx82/a9-v720

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