I have created a binary group of door sensors in helpers and I have populated manually this group with all the door sensors of my home.
What I want is to populate this group based on the following rule:
In the moment when the alarm change the status to ¨Arm Away¨ or ¨Arm Home¨ populate this group only with the door sensors which have the status ¨Closed¨
Thank you!!
"created_at": "1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"data": {},
"disabled_by": null,
"domain": "group",
"entry_id": "6206fbafb8b5b24883ee626c72bbc48d",
"minor_version": 1,
"modified_at": "2024-09-27T20:27:15.358330+00:00",
"options": {
"group_type": "binary_sensor",
"name": "Alarm Doors sensors",
"entities": [
"hide_members": false,
"all": false