Port 80 Issues HA Synology Native with Node Red (Amazon Local)

Config: node-red-contrib-amazon-echo running on Home Assistant Core 0.115.6 (Synology Native Package)

I am trying to get Amazon local working with the node-red-contrib-amazon-echo add-on (added via pallets). It is looking to bind to port 80, however, Synology is already using port 80 for other services.

How have folks gotten around Node Red with Amazon Local wanting to be on port 80 when its needed by Synology? I’ve not been able to find any other post on the matter, which leads me to believe I’m doing something wrong. Should I be running a different Node Red pallet?

Really appreciate the assistance.


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I am also facing the disabled all the services on synology that could be using port 80 . checked via terminal nothing is running on port 80 in DSM

one of the hassio containers for observer though seems to be using port 80

Found the issue with nginx service running within the synology DSM which was using port 80.

terminal to synology and then browse to /usr/syno/share/nginx

there we have three files server.mustache, DSM.mustache, WWWService.mustache

edit all of them and modify the lines

server {
listen 80 default_server{{#reuseport}} reuseport{{/reuseport}};
listen [::]:80 default_server{{#reuseport}} reuseport{{/reuseport}};

i just changed the 80 to 81

save them restart the DSM and you should be good to go with using the port 80 for the Alexa Node

awesome, thank you! I will look at that now. I’ve about decided to just move HA off onto its own pc.
So its using the ngix to redirect port80 traffic to your chosen port for the synology.
