Hello! I am new to Home Assistant and try to set up my first raspberry. I’m not an IT person and follow blindly the instructions. I have been able to install home assistant by flashing a memory card with sketcher as instructed, and my raspberry pi 3 v2 has started up successfully - all LAN parameters OK , IP address available and device data accessible, device pingable…but…all ports except 5355 of the device are closed when scanning for open ports - i.e. I can not access any UI on port 8123, there is no answer when I try to open the page. I have not port restrictions in place across the LAN. What to do? Anybody who could help?
And if it shows that it is starting up, then let it work over a night or so.
The installation might need to download a lot from the internet and sometimes GitHub can cause issues for hours or even a few days.
Thank you everybody!! Got it sorted - it was a combination of 1) wrong power source 2) screen not connected at startup 3) crashed flash. When things go wrong, they all do at the same time…