Port 8123 not responding / new installation R Pi 3 v2

Hello! I am new to Home Assistant and try to set up my first raspberry. I’m not an IT person and follow blindly the instructions. I have been able to install home assistant by flashing a memory card with sketcher as instructed, and my raspberry pi 3 v2 has started up successfully - all LAN parameters OK , IP address available and device data accessible, device pingable…but…all ports except 5355 of the device are closed when scanning for open ports - i.e. I can not access any UI on port 8123, there is no answer when I try to open the page. I have not port restrictions in place across the LAN. What to do? Anybody who could help?

Thanks a lot!!

Pi3B or Pi3A?

The 3A is … not going to be up to the job.

Also, you flashed the Pi3 image, not the Pi4 image?

Plug in a monitor and keyboard. What does it say?

Its R Pi 3 B v1.2…and I did flash the Pi 3 image.

Will try this again the morning. Tried already earlier, but possibly with a weak power supply, and there was nothing on the display.

If the monitor is not attached when the pi is booted, it may not show anything. Try booting the pi with it attached to the turned on monitor.

And if it shows that it is starting up, then let it work over a night or so.
The installation might need to download a lot from the internet and sometimes GitHub can cause issues for hours or even a few days.

Thank you everybody!! Got it sorted - it was a combination of 1) wrong power source 2) screen not connected at startup 3) crashed flash. When things go wrong, they all do at the same time…