Port forwarding in addons


I’m trying to create an addon for the Happy Bubbles Presence service. I have problem to forward the web interface port to make it accessible from my network.

In my config.json file, I have:

"ports": {
     "5555/tcp": 5555    

By default, the presence service bind on localhost:5555. When I try to connect to hassio.local:5555, it doesn’t work.

I tried to start the presence service with the -http_host_path argument. This make the service to bind to all interfaces. The forwarding works, but it returns an error 404 to my browser. Maybe an issue with the service itself because of a strict vhost definition (hassio.local!=

Any idea?


Bump! No idea what’s wrong?

Were you able to successfully configure port forwarding for other things inside your network? Is the port forwarding working when you try to access it from outside your network?

I’m currently trying to get this to work now. I’m getting this same 404 error though. I assume it’s docket / port related.

I have to work again on that. I still not found how to fix this problem.