Port Forwarding / Virtual server

Hi Guys
I need your help and guidance to setup Virtual server ( Port Forwarding ) on my D-Link DIR 825 router.

The new firmware does not have Port Forwarding but has Virtual server, I am not sure of the Terminology on this new firmware.


See my comments in blue:

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Thanks Tom but that not the version of Firmware on my router. Its blue in colour and latest version. There is no words with Port Forwarding , only virtual server. My Previous router I was able to set up Port Forwarding , not this one ( D-Link DIR 825 )

Mine has

Public Port ?
Private Port ?
Private IP ?
Remote IP ?

so I don’t know what is Public Port & Private Port fro my PI


Take a screenshot.

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I am not at home at the moment, will do later . Thanks

Hi Tom

Hope this helps

Go back to the menu page and take a screen shot.

I was looking for a way to list the virtual servers already set up but I dont see it. The message that you cant use ports 8123-8124 etc… looks like it has imported your previous port forwarding rules when you did the update.

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I deleted to show you clear screen.

Hi Guys
Anyone can help me explain how I do Port Forwarding on my router as above, thanks

It’s probably in the DMZ section.

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Thanks Brendan , you star. Now its working.
