Portainer and share Usb Devices

Hi there!
I am running Hass.io on a Raspi 4 1gb and want to use /run openhab on a different container.
I could install and start openhab via portainer without problems.
Now i want to connect an Enocean USB300 Usb Stick ( inserted into the rapi 4 on an USB2 port).

I have added the device under portainer settings:

> * PathInContainer /dev/serial/by-id/usb-EnOcean_GmbH_EnOcean_USB_300_DC_FT411HU4-if00-port0
> * PathOnHost /dev/tty0

But openhab cannt connect to the port Port could not be found

Any advice would be great,

So it works now with the following Settings:

Dissable/uninstall Enocean Integration in HA (i believe this was my problem)

Openhab/Enocean Binding: /dev/ttyUSB0

Settings in Portainer in Tab “runtime&resources” --> Devices

* 0
  * CgroupPermissions rwm
  * PathInContainer /dev/tty0
  * PathOnHost /dev/serial/by-id/usb-EnOcean_GmbH_EnOcean_USB_300_DC_FT411HU4-if00-port0`

Seem wired that the setting is tty0 but in obenhab i use ttyUSB0 bu it works!