So, i made a complete mess of things.
I was messing around with Portainer on and while attempting to "Fix"the network connectivity to my new docker container, i appear to have broken my connectivity to Home Assistant altogether.
I had just created a new network connection in Portainer and accidentally set it to the same subnet of Home Assistant.
Now i am unable to access HA via the web interface. I do still have access to the physical terminal for entering commands.
I don’t really have a micro-hdmi to edit using docker, in place
I’m trying thing thing where I’d use boltbrowser and strings to mess around /sda8/docker/network/files/ and delete some entries in there. Not yet sure if it’s going to work – or if I messed up docker somehow.
UPDATE: … after about 45 minute (and another 2 hours remaining to write out my sd card, I decided it’s been a while since I ran choco update all and process got interrupted. So I gave up, I’ll restore from last nights snapshot.