Position of components

This may be something that has been answered before, but I can’t find it from searching.

Is there a way of fixing the position of components on the states screen in home assistant? When I make changes and restart the service they often re-position themselves in any order they like.

Short answer, I don’t think so.

If you search on this topic there was a few requests awhile back to allow a specific ordering of the groups in each view. I don’t recall the outcome, but I don’t think there is a implementation that works currently.

Also keep in mind that the positioning is quite dynamic based on the size of each group and the size of the window being used to view the front end.

Ill be interested to see if anyone has a method for this, my wife asked why the group she uses most is no longer the first one in the view. It would be nice to put the most used items first.

That’s one of the main reasons I was asking. For other people in the house it is nicer to have a more consistent view so they can find things easily.

I was having issues with this as well, but what I’m currently using as a workaround is to create a view for my wife that duplicates the info for items that she’s most interested in.

She doesn’t want to know how the RPi performs at the moment or how much disk space there’s left on my IntelNUC so I only show items like the office lights and printers or the weather and AC on her tab.
The individual items might still move around, but they are easier to find if there are fewer items shown.

The shortcut for her tablet then links to “/states/group.her_stuff” instead of just “/states”.

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