Possible BUG: YAML groups "all:" parameter is wrong

Hi there.
I have the following configuration in my “groups.yaml”:

  name: somebody is home
    - device_tracker.iphone_01
    - device_tracker.iphone_02
#  all: false
  all: true

  name: everyone is home
    - device_tracker.iphone_01
    - device_tracker.iphone_02
#  all: true
  all: false

I think, well i am sure, the interpretation of the “all” parameter is wrong.

If we consider the “everybody_home” rule it should only be “home” or “not_home” if both listed devices are either home or not at home when “all is set to true”.
This is working exact the opposite way. The same is for the “somebody_home” rules.
It should trigger if one of the devices is either home or not home.

The behavior is exactly the opposite in each case.

As i have this set up newly in the actual version i can not tell in which version this first occurred.
Actually my setup is like this:

Home Assistant 2022.11.1
Supervisor 2022.10.2
Operating System 9.3
Frontend 20221102.1 - latest

If i exchange “true” with “false” and in reverse in the respective groups they work as expected.

Need to correct this interpretation slightly. If all is true then the group should be home if both device trackers are home and not_home if either of them is in a state besides home, unknown or unavailable. You got the definition half right, they do both have to be home for the group to be home but the group can be not_home if only one is.

Similar issue but inverse for when all is false. If either of the device trackers is home then the group should be home. The group is only not_home if both trackers are in a state besides home, unknown or unavailable. It cannot be not_home if only one is.

If this isn’t the behavior you’re seeing then you should definitely submit a bug here

Hey @CentralCommand - thanks for coming back.

Right. I got it like you said - but i am no native english speaker.
I knew how they should work because i am using the “all” setting already with lights. But lights can be configured via the UI. They work as intended and as described.

These are my first “groups” without UI support and they did work inverted.
Will open a Bug-Report.
Thanks for the link!
Kind regards.