Possible hardware solutions

Hello everyone,

I’m preparing to build a single-story family home next year, and as a result, I’m looking for smart home solutions. My home automation (HA) system will run in Docker on a Synology NAS server.

I’d like to have as much of the control as possible hardwired because I’m concerned about delays associated with the use of technologies like Z-Wave, Zigbee, or other wireless technologies (I’m not sure if such issues still exist, but I’ve come across comments from users on many forums who had such problems).

The best option would be to have a decentralized system (such as Zigbee modules for light switches or roller blind control modules) but wired to a switch or coordinator (do such systems exist?). The advantage of such systems is that if one module fails, the rest still work, and in the worst case, I can temporarily switch to a traditional system without smart functionality.

I want to connect lighting (including the ability to dim the lights), roller blinds, and some electrical outlets to the automation system.

For things that don’t require quick response times and are not critical in case of failure, I can consider using Zigbee, such as various types of sensors.

There are centralized systems like:


Unfortunately, the drawback of such a system is that if the controller becomes damaged, all switches and devices connected to that system stop working. Additionally, it’s challenging to find a centralized system that can handle both roller blinds and dimmable lighting.

Do you have any noteworthy suggestions? Perhaps someone can also comment on delays in Zigbee and other wireless systems.

Welcome. There is a lot of good information on this forum if you search for “new home build” You might want to look into KNX too.

My smart home is mostly build around zigbee devices. As for delays goes its usually because sensors doesn’t detect motion most of the day and probably went to sleep or deep sleep. Sometimes it requires a second or two to activate light.
Sensors that are used most of the day doesn’t have that problem. This is based pure on my observation.
Other delays I’m facing is always from the same room and devices because they are somehow in blind spot or requires one or more routers to work without delay.

IMHO Your system is only as good as it is designed and installed.

Ive seen professional (Control-4) systems run like dirt because they weren’t maintained.

Ive seen amateur systems on multiple protocols - wired or wireless - scream because they were well designed and simple…

What you get will be the result of planning and experience. Not the technology.

Buy purpose built best of breed gear that has connectivity options first and spend time building strong support systems for them.

I run ZWave, Zigbee, WiFi (EspHome), Matter over WiFi and soon Matter over Thread. In addition to many wired systems. You WILL run into some gear you want to run and with your process you won’t be able to use it. Spealnd time learning how it works and design it well.

Restricting everything to hard wired will be a difficult endeavor as your system grows. I’ve used Z-Wave since it came out and also use Zigbee and Wifi (ESPHome) and while there are occasional burps, it isn’t an issue. Like anything, you have to maintain it and it’s technology so it’ll have issues from time to time. Even if you find the perfect wired solution, you still have to contend with HA every once in a while not acting right.

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Yup. And don’t forget, we’re still at the Model T stage - it will be many years before we get to the point of “turn it on and it goes”. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I run the same but without any Matter, Thread, ZWave or Zigbee. Most of my (around 100) esphome nodes are wireless, some are wired. All are rock solid :signal_strength:

Our home is designed to also work without HA - so local wall switches etc. all their provide basic functionalities even when Home Assistant is not available (restart for an update anyone?). :arrows_counterclockwise:

I think esphome based devices are very different from the commercial solutions avaialble - beside they have a 1-click setup (no wasting time scanning QR codes or holding buttons and what not which is not fun doing with 100 devices) the things just run and run and run. :running_man: :running_woman: :dash:

Some times people post in the forum asking for help after they just fire and forgot their esphome nodes :joy:

esp based like the KinCony stuff :trophy:

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^^^^^^ This!

I have done the same. All switch, alarms, etc. work without Home Assistant and/or when the LAN is down.


If the devices is running esphome it is even possible to differentiate the communication channel based on the current situation :twisted_rightwards_arrows:

For example:

  • API connected → trigger action via HA :rocket:
  • WIFI connected (API not) → trigger action via web hook :anchor:
  • No WIFI → trigger action via direct device2device communication (for example esp-now) :signal_strength:

I actually never bothered to integrate such a behavior into our esphome nodes because our setup with around 100 devices is rock solid anyway on wifi/lan since many years. :muscle:

Or you could just turn on the light manually :slightly_smiling_face:

Or, in the spirit of having your lights when your technology fails… some candles and a box of matches :slight_smile: