Hi, I think I need to move my raspberry pie with the Conbee II to another location without lan connection so I thought about a WiFi Stick for that. Do you think there will be problems with the usage of a Conbee II and a WiFi Stick nearby (different channels)?
The Background:
I´ve got a problem with my hardware setup. My hassio raspberry pi 3 with Conbee II Stick is located at the basement near the ceiling. Some devices at the second floor seems to be to far away from the zigbee range, the osram smartplugs (in 2 rooms, each one) are sometimes unavailable and the aqara windows sensors sometimes shown window opened, but they are closed (same 2 rooms as the smartplugs).
I´m not realy sure if the aqara temperature sensors in these rooms shown correct temperatures.
Is this Pi also your Home Assistamt server? If so I highly suggest NOT to put it on WiFi as in my opinion this is not reliable enough for a machine running the automation for your home!
I would try to get some more mains powered ZigBee devices as they extend the range of the network, Osram plugs are known to not be very good at this and some end devices just won’t route traffic through the Osram plugs.
Iris smart plugs (Centralite plugs) and SmartThings smart plugs both do a great job as repeaters. However, you’ll still most likely run into issues if you go the WiFi route as Zigbee and WiFi operate in the same 2.4ghz space. You might be OK if you can separate the channels far enough (Zigbee on a channel above 20 and your 2.4ghz WiFi on a lower channel like 1,4 or 6). Even then, you still might run into interference issues.