Possible issue with Garadget in Home Assistant .86

Just started working with Garadget and followed these directions - https://www.home-assistant.io/components/cover.garadget/. In 85.1, it was working. After upgrading to .86, I get an error message that platforms and components could not be setup. I have double checked my config and nothing appears to changed.

Other than ripping out the config and putting it back in, what else can I look at ?


Did you look at the breaking changes in the blog post? It lists everything that will break when updated.

My guess is that you didn’t change the time trigger for your automations.

I dont have any automations at this point.

All I have is this in the configuration.yaml file -


  • platform: garadget

At this point, guess I need to start looking for a way to re-install 85.1 for the time being.


I’m not sure then, sorry. I don’t use that platform.

So are you saying that literally the only thing you have that is different from a default configuration is the garadget configuration? that you installed HA and the only thing you’ve done at all is add the garadget config?

Also - post your code properly for the forum. We can’t help you if we can’t see possible formatting errors. see the blue box above.

I have the same issue and mine has worked for a couple years.

This is the error on the config which hasn’t changed.

Invalid config for [cover.garadget]: [300028001751353432393432] is an invalid option for [cover.garadget]. Check: cover.garadget->covers->300028001751353432393432. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/cover.garadget/

here is my yaml that matches the docs and has always worked.

- platform: garadget
      username: !secret garadgetlogin
      password: !secret garadgetpass
      name: Mainlevel Garage

look at: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/20420#issuecomment-457998017
Note the bold items and also the removal of the 2 dots from the long number… took me a while to get it right.

- platform: garadget
    garadget1:       #this line was added - from example
    device: 300028001751353432393432    #this line was edited - from example - pay attention to : at end!
      username: !secret garadgetlogin
      password: !secret garadgetpass

If i got to that formating i get this error in the config check.

Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here
in “/config/cover.yaml”, line 5, column 15

Needs to look like this just a few extra spaces.

- platform: garadget
      device: 300028001751353432393432
      username: !secret garadgetlogin
      password: !secret garadgetpass
      name: Mainlevel Garage
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