Possible to break out items in climate?

You should check out the appdaemon. It advertises such functionality.


Any luck with the issue of “when restarting home-assistant, the initial values on the input_select are not the same as the sensors”? I got the same issue which effects my automation.

Please share if you figured it out.


I workaround the issue. Check out my automation files:
I created an input_boolean.hass_booting value that triggers on boot, while the value is on, I don’t update my climate.
After two minutes I turn the value off, which allows the climate to refresh and update
Hope this helps!


Thanks for the idea…here is what I did:

- alias: "Startup Notification"
  initial_state: True
  hide_entity: False
    platform: homeassistant
    event: start
   - delay:
       seconds: 15
   - service: input_select.select_option
     entity_id: input_select.hvac_operation_mode_zone1
       option: '{{ states.climate.zone1_thermostat_cooling_1.attributes.operation_mode }}'

Probably don’t need the delay…but I’m reading the actual state on the thermostat and applying it to my input.select.


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Hello How can i use input_number (input_slider) for adjust temperature in my configuration.yaml

I am using z-wave switch to turn on/off my heater and fibaro sensor for temperature.

Here is my configuration.yaml

  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: Down stairs
    heater: switch.neo_coolcam_power_plug_12a_switch
    target_sensor: sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001_motion_sensor_temperature
    min_temp: 21
    max_temp: 28
    target_temp: 24
    tolerance: 0.3
      seconds: 5
      minutes: 3

Using the services tab…

Under the domain of climate is there a service available for setting the target temp? may show up as set_temperature.

Thanks for youer answer, but i want like

I understand what you are looking for. I am asking you to provide the domain and service call available.

From there we can use a numeric slider and automation to change the temp.

Are you wanting just a slider for the temperature or all the controls in your picture above?

If just the temp slider then first create the slider.

    name: Set Target Temp
    initial: 70
    min: 60
    max: 80
    step: 1

Then create an automation to change the temp based on your slider.

  - alias: Set Temperature
      platform: state
      entity_id: input_number.slider1
      service: climate.set_temperature
        entity_id: climate.kitchen
        temperature: '{{ states.input_number.slider1.state }}'

For all the controls follow this post for guidance, replacing his entity_ids and service calls with the once in your screen shot above.

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@silvrr Thank you very much :grinning: Now i can adjust temperature with slider. Thanks again

Hello. Sorry for bringing an old topic back to life, but I have a CT101, and it shows the humidity on the screen, but I don’t see it in Home Assistant. Is there something I need to do in order to get the humidity information into home assistant?

@simpat1zq Is it zwave or WIFI? The WIFI radio thermostat doesn’t have any code to read the humidity so it would have to be added.

It’s zwave.

Sorry - I can’t help w/ that then. I’ve familiar w/ the wifi module code but I think it’s completely different than the zwave thermostat code.