Possible to exclude certain entities from appearing in the Target or Entities Selector?

Is it possible to exclude certain entities from appearing in the Target or Entities Selector?

Using the entities selector as an example, if I’m creating a blueprint which, upon triggering should turn some things on and some things off, and have this in the blueprint:

          name: Switches On
          default: []
              multiple: true              
                - domain: switch              
          name: Switches Off
          default: []
              multiple: true              
                - domain: switch              

The way the above is written you could have the same switch in both the On and Off sections. Is it possible to exclude the entities selected in switches_on from appearing in switches_off? While my example uses entities selector, I supposed the question is actually more generically written as can the result of one input be used to filter/exclude items from a second input?

Hello putch,

There is no user code running while they generate the automation with inputs. Therefore there is no way to tell what entity they added and then make sure the 2nd question is not the same.

However what I would do is test for that condition in the top of the action (I’m assuming this is an automation BP) and if they did it wrong, stop execution and post a message in the log on how to fix it.
In the description explain what you did.
That is my suggestion.

I had spent a bunch of time looking around and hadn’t found a way. I finally thought I’d ask in case I was missing something, but I guess in this case, I wasn’t.

Thanks for the quick response.