I’m trying to iterate over a unique set of attributes of the from_state and to_state states, but can’t find a way to actually get this unique set without assuming that both states will have the same ones. I’ve tried:
Attributes changed: {%set attrs = list(trigger.from_state.attributes.keys()) | list(trigger.to_state.attributes.keys()) %}
{% for attr in attrs %}
{% if trigger.from_state.attributes[attr] != trigger.to_state.attributes[attr] %}
{{ attr }} : {{trigger.from_state.attributes[attr]}} ⇒ {{trigger.to_state.attributes[attr]}},
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
which gives:
Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: 'list' is undefined
{%set attrs = trigger.from_state.attributes.keys() | trigger.to_state.attributes.keys() %}
which gives:
invalid template (TemplateAssertionError: no filter named 'trigger.to_state.attributes.keys') for dictionary value @ data['action'][0]['data_template']['message']. Got None.
{%set attrs = trigger.from_state.attributes.keys().__or__(trigger.to_state.attributes.keys()) %}
which gives:
Error rendering data template: SecurityError: access to attribute '__or__' of 'dict_keys' object is unsafe.
Any suggestions?