Possible to have a prompt with options from a command?

Is there a way to have a prompt that pop-ups with options for a service command? I would like to be able to have vacuum.send_command spot_area pop-up with an optional list of rooms to have vacuumed where multiple rooms can be selected at once.

For example, I currently have the following action in an automation for the bedroom:

service: vacuum.send_command
  entity_id: vacuum.deebot_n8_pro
  command: spot_area
    rooms: |
      {{ states.vacuum.deebot_n8_pro.attributes.room_bedroom }}
    cleanings: 1

I have an entities card with a list of booleans that turn on the automations for the rooms that can be vacuumed but I don’t have a way to select multiple rooms at once unless I create an automation that is preset with specific rooms which is what I want to avoid having to do.
