Possible to have HA open plex on TV and then play a TV show?

Hi, I got HA talking with Google Assistant and was able to get an automation setup for opening up Plex on my LG C9 TV.

I’d like to know if it’s possible to take it one step further and get a TV show playing after opening up Plex.

This is my current automation entry for launching the Plex app on my TV:

service: webostv.command
  command: system.launcher/launch
    id: cdp-30
entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_tv_oled55c9pua

I duplicated this on another automation and then added this underneath that launch action:

service: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.plex_player
  media_content_type: EPISODE
  media_content_id: >-
    { "library_name": "TV Shows", "show_name": "Family Guy",
    "episode.unwatched": true, "episode.inProgress": [true, false], "resume": 1,
    "sort": "addedAt:asc", "maxresults": 1 }

but nothing seems to happen after Plex is opened.

Would there be anyway to get this working?

Thank you!

I also tried something more simple from here: Plex Media Server - Home Assistant

service: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.plex_player
  media_content_type: EPISODE
  media_content_id: '{ "library_name": "TV Shows", "show_name": "Family Guy", "season_number": 2, "episode_number": 5 }'

I left the Plex app open and ran it again, but still nothing… which part am I missing?