Possible to have multiple external Snips?

I am new to Home Assistant.

I have Hassbian running on a Pi3. So far I have Pandora, Monoprice, Emby and Insteon working.

My next step is getting Snips working locally.

My goal is to replace my Dot and have Pi3s with Snips in various rooms in the house that can talk back to my central Home Assistant Server.

Has anyone done anything like this?


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Seems to be possible.

I have currently on RPI3 with snips. It uses its own broker and I bridged the home-assistant mqtt broker with the snips broker. For the bridging you might need to add a different prefix for each snips RPI so that you can differentiate which is which.

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Thanks for the info.

I haven’t been able to dive into snips yet but hope to this weekend.

Since I posted this, snips came out with a few updates. One of them should address this. There is now a way to have one central brain that would talk to HA. All the other snips around the house would be clients to the brain.

I believe this link has the info on it. https://github.com/snipsco/snips-platform-documentation/wiki/6.--Miscellaneous#example-of-configuration-file-for-one-main-device-in-the-living-room-and-one-satellite-small-device-in-the-bedroom

Ok. this makes sense. Keep me posted… I’m interested in getting a few Assistants nicely integrated with Home-assistant.