I think the answer is no, but my Google searches have not led me to a direct answer. I am running in an Ubuntu venv and was wondering if it is possible to install VScode for editing HA configuration files. I am fine editing with vi, but I really like some of the features in VSCode such as autocomplete and yaml validation.
Not really sure I understand your needs.
Are you logging in to the machine running Home Assistant and edit the files there? Why not run a Samba share or similar and edit your files from a desktop where you can install VSCode?
@Burningstone Yes I am currently using vi editor on the Ubuntu host, but when I was running HassIO I really liked the way VSCode was integrated right into the front end. I know I can install Samba and edit from any other machine but I don’t think I would get the autocomplete features would I? For example, when typing in an entity id.
You do, that’s exactly how I edit my files. You just need to install the Home Assistant Config Helper VS code extension, create a long-lived token in HA and configure the VS Code extension accordingly.
Ah OK I didn’t know that. Thanks!