Possible to set something like this up with Home Assistant?

I plan on getting Home Assistant up amd running soon. I’m also looking at ceiling lights like this: https://www.amazon.com/Starlight-Music-Ceiling-Bluetooth-Speaker/dp/B07FNXHNBB/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=ceiling+light+bluetooth+speaker&qid=1570743162&sprefix=ceiling+light+bluetoo&sr=8-3

Now my question is, is a light like this able to be set up through home assistant? Would hate to have to use the more than likely crap app it comes with. Thanks!

Given that it’s bluetooth, I doubt it. Someone else might correct me but I haven’t seen anyone doing bluetooth controlled lights with HA.

As Dave says, this is Bluetooth so, not likely.
The reason being that it is most likely configured to synchronise with music being played through it.
I’m not sure that your home automation choice should be dictated by a type of lamp, unless you want one of these in every room in your house.

Ah ok I see what you guys are saying. What about something like this :

Would I be able to set something wifi compatible like that up?

Also, my home automation choice isn’t dictated by this product. I’m going to be controlling some other stuff too.

It says it uses the “Smart Life” app which suggests that it probably uses the Tuya cloud service and may be able to be re-flashed with ESPhome… for the light control anyway. My concern would be getting the audio to work. Who knows what hardware is in there to achieve that… although it could be an ESP32…?

Honestly I wouldn’t expect anything close to good quality audio from this item…

Which bit about Bluetooth audio gives you any impression of quality ? :rofl:

But if you are willing to try a flash, this is a much better bet.

But what do you actually need ?
A light that syncs with the music (are you setting up a small tacky disco) or do you want a music player you can control (much better options exist) ?

Me? I was saying it would be rubbish! :rofl:

As the Fonz would say … “Exactamundo !” :rofl:

I just need the ceiling light really. I already have a high quality audio system so the bluetooth is really just so I can connect my google home mini to it and get overhead sound. I definitely don’t expect it to sound any good, would just be cool for some light listening in my room imo. Don’t need tacky disco lights lol. I’m probably just going to look for something that is Zigbee to uncomplicate setup.