Possible to tell when Z-Wave JS has restarted?

I have a Z-Wave based automation that sends text messages to me and/or my wife after our washer/dryer has finished a cycle. Unfortunately, the Z-Wave devices I use for monitoring the appliances trigger the automations any time Z-Wave JS is restarted, which can happen when either Z-Wave JS itself restarts or when all of HA restarts (typically when I install updates).

I’m able to prevent these text messages when all of HA restarts by including this conditional in my automation, keeping it from triggering if HA itself started in the last 2 minutes:

  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.uptime.state)  >= 120

I’d like to do something similar with the Z-Wave JS service itself, so is there any way of determining how long it’s been running?

Please post your automation

Why do you need my automation? I’m just asking if there’s a way to add a completely new conditional to it. It literally could be an automation that does absolutely anything, but I don’t want it to execute if ZWave-JS has been running for less than 2 minutes.

You should exclude the unavailable state from the trigger or check for it in the conditional.

If you had posted the full automation, a more specific answer could be provided. Maybe another conditional isn’t the best answer.

Because I believe your automation trigger can be adjusted to fix the issue w/o worrying about zwavejsui startup time.