Hello. In the UK Transport sensor, this works:
- platform: uk_transport
app_id: xx
app_key: xx
- mode: bus
origin: 6200203610 # Clermiston Drive Bus Stop
destination: Edinburgh # 43
This does not (spelling is correct - copy and pasted from the portal JSON per instructions):
- platform: uk_transport
app_id: xx
app_key: xx
- mode: bus
origin: 6200203610 # Clermiston Drive Bus Stop
destination: 'Kings Buildngs' # 41
I’ve verified on the portal that there are buses. But the integration returns a zero-length list of buses:
atcocode: 6200203610
locality: Barnton, Edinburgh
stop_name: Clermiston Drive
request_time: 2021-12-07T11:18:14+00:00
unit_of_measurement: min
friendly_name: Next bus to Kings Buildngs
icon: mdi:bus
Could the space in the destination field be tripping up the code? Or am I misunderstanding configuration?