Post MQTT message with jinja code

I’m publishing some MQTT messages to auto discover MQTT devices, but I’m struggling to create json payload with templates containing jinja code.
It seems like HA tries to parse my payload even though I would like to send it as a plain string

service: mqtt.publish
  qos: "0"
  retain: false
  topic: homeassistant/light/fimp_enocean_01A69E7E/light/config
  payload: >
      "schema": "template",
      "brightness": true,
      "brightness_scale": 100,
      "command_topic": "pt:j1/mt:cmd/rt:dev/rn:enocean/ad:1/sv:out_lvl_switch/ad:01A69E7E",
      "device": {
        "identifiers": [
        "manufacturer": "EnOcean",
        "model": "EnOcean FUD61",
        "name": "Taklys TV-stue/gang"
      "name": "Taklys TV-stue/gang",
      "state_topic": "pt:j1/mt:evt/rt:dev/rn:enocean/ad:1/sv:out_lvl_switch/ad:01A69E7E",
      "brightness_state_topic": "pt:j1/mt:evt/rt:dev/rn:enocean/ad:1/sv:out_lvl_switch/ad:01A69E7E",
      "command_off_template": "{\n  \"corid\": null,\n  \"props\": {},\n  \"serv\": \"out_lvl_switch\",\n  \"src\": \"smarthome-app\",\n  \"tags\": [],\n  \"type\": \"cmd.binary.set\",\n  \"uid\": \"123\",\n  \"val\": false,\n  \"val_t\": \"bool\",\n  \"ver\": \"1\"\n}",
      "command_on_template": "{\n  \"props\":{},\n  \"serv\":\"out_lvl_switch\",\n  \"tags\":[]\n  {%- if brightness -%}\n  , \"type\":\"cmd.lvl.set\",\n  \"val\":{{ (brightness / 2.55) | int }},\n  \"val_t\":\"int\"\n  {%- else -%}\n  , \"type\":\"cmd.binary.set\",\n  \"val\":true,\n  \"val_t\":\"bool\"\n  {%- endif -%}\n}",
      "state_template": "{% if value_json.val %} on {% else %} off {% endif %}",
      "brightness_template": "{% if value_json.val_t %}{{ (value_json.val * 2.55) | int }}{% endif %}",
      "unique_id": "enocean_light_01A69E7E"

When I run this automation I get error message
Failed to call service mqtt.publish. Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: 'value_json' is undefined

Any ideas how can I escape it?

Wrap each template in {% raw %} and {% endraw %} tags. The template within the tags will not be evaluated by the Jinja2 processor.


      "state_template": {% raw %} "{% if value_json.val %} on {% else %} off {% endif %}" {% endraw %},

Another example can be found here in "Create the following script ":


You can write this template:

{% if value_json.val %} on {% else %} off {% endif %}

using an Immediate If like this:

{{ iif(value_json.val, 'on', 'off') }}
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thank you! {% raw %} and {% endraw %} did the trick :slight_smile:

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