Posterfy - A Movie Lover's Digital Poster

So, I had this extra 27in monitor and Raspberry Pi 3b+ sitting around, and I got the itch to make something. I have seen other digital poster concepts, but I wanted something that would help me learn more about HA development. Posterfy is the result.

In short, Posterfy is a webapp that displays movie poster art and media player status information. Currently, it rotates thru “Coming Soon”, “Now Playing” and “Streaming Now” movie art. Basically, it’s a dashboard that shows data from two primary HA entities: A media player and a sensor. The sensor is a custom component that stores the retrieved movie data.

The project is very early, and has lots of places to improve upon. I plan to mount my extra monitor on the wall (like a poster) outside my home movie room.

My hope is that others find this project helpful. Any comments or contributions are welcome!


This looks interesting, is it possible to add more information about how to install this thing?
What info does the custom component need for example? I have installed through HACS but now I am stuck at the configuration.yaml because I don’t know which info it is looking for. I suppose the TMDB api key but what else? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

did you figure this out

Any updates on this?