PostNL Integration

This is great @ptnijssen . For step 1, is the pull request good enough?
For step 2: Who can do this? I unfortunately have not enough experience in coding.

Great progress!

I am not sure, depends if PostNL changed their API a lot. Someone has to check. Perhaps the original author of the library is interested in updating his library and creating a component for HA. My time is unfortunately limited to pick this up.

Just to let you know that we can probably expect a component back at one point. Just giving the original author of the library time to get everything up and running. Keep track of progress here;

So please be patient :slight_smile:


Nice work. Hope it’ll be merged soon. I will give it another shot

Sorry, but I have tried that PR last week and does not work (anymore)

Let’s hope this will be picked up by @ptnijssen or Mick :slight_smile:

I see that the toon has now implemented a fix for the login issue @ptnijssen

Can we re-use this?

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Looking in to it

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That actually does not fix it. At least not when I run the script.

With a couple of adjustments it sticks at step 5:

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Alright, thanks for checking!
At toon it does work. Let’s see what the devs think.

Dev discussion can be tracked here: Fix for issue: #20 by 0x00-0xFF ¡ Pull Request #22 ¡ iMicknl/python-postnl-api ¡ GitHub

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Is er toevallig nog nieuws te melden?

Hi all, I reached out to PostNL (again) and they informed me they are actively working on a public api. They gave me this URL, but it is behind a (okta) login (so much for “public”):

I noticed that the following URL is also behind the same URL, so I expect we should be able to use this endpoint to track parcels instead of using the API to send parcels:

I already tried the “forgot password” option, but it seems my “jouw postnl” account is not valid. I’m reaching out to them again to check whether a special account or specific permissions are required.

Anyone else any luck?

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No luck, but this could be promising!

Now just do what we have been doing for a while now:

I’m not a developer, but are we looking for something like this?

You have to pay for this. This is for company’s.

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Is er al iets mogelijk om PostNL te gebruiken :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grimacing:

Ant news on this?
Found noderedflow for notifications PostNL notification (for Home Assistant) ¡ GitHub
Does this help in reviving this card?

Even a Nodered flow requires acces to the PostNL api and that’s exacly what Postnl doesn’t provide…

Still sad that PostNL doesn’t provide a public API to use. Hopefully something will change in the future.

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