PostNL Integration

I dont think they ever will.
However you might use 17track, I believe it does Dutch packages as well. You would be missing out on the letters though (which was why I used it in the past).

But that seems like years ago haha

I have a working code and will soon release it on my Github.
First postNL then DHL.

its not an integration, but rest code with template sensors.
Maybe one time someone can convert my code into a working HACS integration :smiley:



Please do keep us posted! Any ETA ? :smiley:


Hello Malosaa

I am new to homeassistant.
how can i add this to mine is there a step by step guide
and i am using proxmox it homeassistant.

Very good news! I will watch it closely :slight_smile:

Sorry guys i will start working on it tomorrow and do my best to put it tomorrow on my github so you all can use it.

sorry for the delay

have a nice weekend :smiley:


i let u know once i released the code, i will assist you no worries :slight_smile:


Thanks buddy! Eagerly awaiting your release so we can help out converting the code to HACS integration :slight_smile:

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I uploaded it on my github, and i tested it and it works as expected.
Iā€™m very busy this week so sorry if i canā€™t reply.

And you donā€™t need any automation to trigger the update :slight_smile:

i made an tutorial to keep it easy as possible.

Have fun



Hi @malosaa

I looked at the code and debugged an issue, attribute colli is missing from the instructions. I managed to get it to work adding that attribute and refresh all yaml code.

@EvertJob and @paqpaqpaq

rest should be as followed, attribute colli is missing

  - authentication: basic
    resource_template: "{{ states('sensor.postNL_rest_resource') }}"
    scan_interval: 80000
      - name: postnl_tracker
        unique_id: 854729072388394756
        value_template: 'ok'
          - "processed"
          - "colli"
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Hi @Vasco

the attribute is there, but it was not in the tutorial, i added it.

the full code is also here:

I did upload the files after i did write the tutorial.

thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:

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Hey hello its me again so i tried it and could not get it to work do you have more step by step like where to find [Template Sensors].
and put the text in and where to find [Lovelace Card Configuration].
and put there the text in
and for input helpers do you mean like configuration> device and> Helpers> then click on text and add only the name Postnl code postal code.

or if you have time make small video ? how to do it. and upload to youtube or google drive share?

Hi friend,

Sorry i could not reply faster, as iā€™m really busy, but i did see your message.

Yes you need to create a helper located in configuration> device and> Helpers>

press text helper and use this name:

PostNL Postal Code

and now you create a second one with this name

PostNL Tracking Code

use the code for the lovelace card and enter the information needed in the text entity we just created and it will return the data, if u followed the tutorial or copied the full code of my repo :slight_smile:


very nice work. works :slight_smile:
I hope this bases can be extend with automations (blueprints), multiple packages, or automatically filled by picking the numbers from gmail for example. :slight_smile:
I Think nice things can happen. but all based on your work, thatā€™s again for that!


@malosaa Thanks for the postnl solution! Canā€™t wait to try DHL!

is this only for an actual package, or could we also use this to monitor our regular PostNL mail.

Asking because the tracking code is required for all sensor entities, and those only exist on several of those deliveries.

How to input those tracking codes dynamically automatically when they change per delivery?

Yes it will work for everything that has a tracking-code.
But i hope someone can create an actual add-on to have multiple codes inserted and to update it every hourā€¦

as iā€™m pretty sure PostNL gonna block that url soon.

Hi, yes i will make a code for dhl, when i have time this weekend i release it also on the same github.

Lets hope some developers will pick this up and make an actual add-on or integration for it.

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There is an hacs integration for the email part, but its not for PostNL, but it is possible to maybe fork the code and try to make some changes.
Iā€™m not sure if that repo is maintained, as i did see it a couple of weeks ago when scrolling trough some hacs integrations.

Hi all,

I would like to join the discussion. I ā€œreverse engineeredā€ the Android and retrieved information about their oAuth implementation. I successfully implemented their oAuth authorization (using Application Credentials as well) and I am now able to retrieve data from the PostNL API for a specific user in exactly the same way as the mobile and web app.

Now, itā€™s time to build the entities and I am a bit in doubt what the best approach is. I had a couple of thoughts which I would like to share and hopefully you can help me with my approach.

  • These entities arenā€™t linked to a device (of course).
  • An entity can be one package/letter, however this is not really how HA works. And this will require constant changes from the HA user.
  • I can create an entities that act like a container. For example, an entity for packages and an entity for letters. I think this will require a frontend integration to properly show the data.
  • I can create a CalendarEntity with events. I think this is the most logical approach, however maybe not the approach people will expect.

Please share your thoughts!

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