Pow version 1 or 2

Yesterday got my first Sonoff POW version 1 updated with Esphome and I like a lot this project.

I have a bunch of POW but they are a mix of R1 and R2, which I want to update with Esphome (they have Tasmota now) many in difficult to reach location.

They have to be coded differently with Esphome is there an easy way (via software better) to know each which version is?

If your SonOff POW 1 or 2 are running on Tasmota, then you can flash ESPhome over the air. To do so go to your esphome and compile the .bin file. Then on tasmota device go to update tasmota and upload that .bin file.

From then on you will be able to manage this device via ESPhome console in HA.

Also here could be the example of pow2 yaml file: https://gist.github.com/frenck/1b4f0ea98f1f6d86d597c2d9636636db