Power failure killed my devices?

Huge problem!
Last night i spent some time adding a qubino flush 2 relays and a Heltun thermostat.
The qubino came up nicely, the Heltun showed up as unknown, but all the entities (air temperature, heating mode etc.) came up nicely.
But: Suddenly, when all this looked very nice and I was ready for a (small) celebration, I had a power failure! I, I don’t yet have a UPS, but I will soon!
After the power failure, the nodes I just installed show up as ‘Unknown node 44 (Node: 44 Complete)’ and 'Unknown Node 45 (Node: 45 Probe).
No entities can be found.
They cannot be found in the zwave config file.
My wife is not happy!
I have reset them to factory settings and tried to add them again. No success.
It’s on an Intel NUC with Debian. Hassio 0.79.3.
What am I doing wrong? What should I have done to prevent this?