Power Outage - Boot Loop - Very Sad

Does anyone know how to fix a boot loop after a power outage? I get the below error, and the system restarts. I’m using HassOS on an Unriad system.

[Failed] Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine…

I’m not sure where to go from here. I do not have any backups(I know I’m an idiot). The thought of losing my 2-3 years old instance makes me very upset. Does anyone know how I should approach this? I saw that a possibility is to mount the drive to another Linux VM and pull the configuration data. Open to any and all help.


Mounting the drive to another system is one way to backup the configuration at least.

Doesn’t unRAID do snapshots?

Yeah, I have been working on it so far and was able to grab the .yaml files, and a backup file around six months ago. So I’m getting there, but I cannot seem to transfer over the Lovelace config.

Would you have any ideas on how to get that over? I cannot view the Config.json file.

Lovelace config is stored in .storage lovelace

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Thanks! I went there a little earlier and didn’t get a reply. I can try again, though!

Also, when you say .storage, what is the path to that? I was able to mount the .qcow2 file in a Linux VM. I found the .yaml files in “hassos-data/supervisor/homeassistant” but I was able to locate the .storage lovelace file.

Found a fix: It was a storage space issue, I gave the VM some more Capacity, and it booted up. I think my log file got crazy large and ate up most of the free space.

Anyone in the future, here’s what I did: VMs Tab on Unraid->Started HassOS VM-> changed CAPACITY to 40G from 32G by clicking on the 32G->Restarted VM