Power state display on mini-media player

I am using this mini-media player from user @kalkih which is really nice.

I have a few Roku TVs that I cannot tell their power state by looking at the mini-media player. Here is what they look like:


And this is how they are configured in lovelave ui.

type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
entity: media_player.32_tcl_roku_tv
icon: 'mdi:spotify'
artwork: cover
power_color: true
show_progress: true
when_standby: true
    power_state: false
    source: false
    volume: true

Currently all their status is reported as standby by home assistant.

Ideally, when standby or off, the power button would be white and no artwork would be shown, the when their are being used the power button would be orange and artwork would be displayed.

What’s wrong with my config?