Powercalc - Virtual power sensors

Are these groups native hue groups or groups created with the HA light group functionalilty?
For Hue groups it won’t work as the underlying group members are unknown to HA and powercalc. Powercalc needs to know which lights are in the group to know which exact model it is to load the correct LUT files.

They are HA groups of type light, created via the new 2022.4 gui.

Ah ok, need to have a look into this if I can support this somehow. Could you create an issue on github?

Done that now.

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Just to add to this my previous issues, the groups that I was having issues with were all groups that had manually specified lights in that we’re using similar lights as models. Also a couple of the groups only had a single member.

To help move this forward I’ve taken readings of the 2 models that are not included and will attempted to understand GitHub in an effort to add them to the integration. Once added I will be able to test further.

Wish me luck :+1:

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Ok think I’ve done what I need to. Quick question. Can I just copy the files to my local install to test them locally??

You can put them into config/custom-powercalc-models. This directory will be checked first before the built-in data directory. also see GitHub - bramstroker/homeassistant-powercalc: Custom component to calculate estimated power consumption of lights and other appliances.

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Nice thanks, manually added and seem to be working well, awesome integration.

Cool! And thanks for the coffee (beer :slight_smile: )

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Ive just noticed that 4 of my lights aren’t getting picked up by powercalc. They are the same model as others that are working as expected. I’ve enabled logging l, restarted and can’t see any issues reported. I’ve tried manually adding them in my config but powercalc is still not finding anything.

Are there any other steps I can take to try and resolve this?

To confirm this is using my measurement files added manually to the custom modules folder as previously specified. There are 4 lights if this model that are working and 4 that are not. The 4 not working are all in the same hue room and have light entities in HA.

You should see at least 1 debug line for each light. especially when you define them manually in the configuration. Could you create an issue on github with your full powercalc configuration, and the logs after starting up? Then we will work things out.

Sorry, ignore me (again)… I’ve just updated to the .16 release and they are auto discovering now. I also upgraded HA last night and was editing the config file in the previous directory when trying to manually set them…

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Thanks for this great custom component, I’ve been using it since you first released it and have loved the idea of what it can do but haven’t really been able to use it the way I would like.

What is the best way to utilize Powercalc for a pseudo power meter to use on the Energy Dash? Would it be to run though all energy class sensors for the total kWh and sum them up, then use the new sensor of all the totals as the power meter feed?

I don’t have a power meter that I can integrate, so I’m hoping that using Powercalc will help me to get as close as possible to the current use (obviously it’ll never be spot-on, but close enough is fine).

I know I can add all the new devices as devices in the dashboard, but I want to have the single grid power entity so I can utilize the graph and calculate estimated power costs.

Powercalc is becoming one of my favourite components. For a while I thought this was only good for all my static known power devices. I only need a simple smart switch to know when a device is on or off and I can record power and historical energy values. Great. Use it for standard lights, fans. Sure, for a fancy multi color smart LED I can record power based on a calibrated status value. However … for things like my fridge or the dish washer or washing machine the variable power cycle means this is not easy/possible…

I have been trying to monitor my Daikin AC reverse cycle heating for efficiency and power use to make smarter use of my Solar and Grid imports.
The power curve when these units are running is hard to monitor without a specific circuit or device power monitor.

As my main Daikin units are WIFI attached I was going over the various sensor attributes available. I stumbled upon the Compressor Frequency values that I can get via a simple command /aircon/get_sensor_info returns > ret=OK,htemp=19.0,hhum=-,otemp=4.0,err=0,cmpfreq=16

As I have a ‘whole of house’ power monitor I was able to map a series of cmpfreq to power values. Then using powercalc added a simple definition for the unit and boom pretty reasonable power readings updated every 60secs (or how often you want to issue the command)

For a crude estimate it works really well for my approx power monitoring requirements. We generally don’t operate the unit with any of the obscure ‘powerful’ or ‘eco’ or ‘quiet’ settings. I found the freq/power values when plotted were very linear. I plan to fine tune my ‘calibration’ in the future but for the moment am very happy with the result.

Hi, did you have a look at the grouping functionality? This should do what you need. You can create a group “Total” for example.

Thanks for sharing. very cool what you are doing. You are using states_power to map cmpfreq to the power value right?

Yes to be clear I do two things.

  1. In my config yaml I use REST sensor platform like this to get updated values every 60 secs for sensor.studyac_cf.
  - resource:
    #                           21 = StudyAC
    # ret=OK,htemp=21.0,hhum=-,otemp=15.0,err=0,cmpfreq=16
    scan_interval: 60
    verify_ssl: false
      X-Daikin-uuid: blahblah
      - name: "StudyAC_CF"
        value_template: "{{ value.split(',cmpfreq=')[1].split('.')[0] }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "Hz"
  1. In my sensors yaml I code this:
- platform: powercalc
  entity_id: sensor.studyac_cf   # Daikin Model FTXM25QVMA
  name: StudyAC
      - 0 -> 0
      - 72 -> 880         # 72Hz  is approx  880watts 

I originally had a series of compressor frequency observed values mapped to my calculated power estimates. As it is very linear I just map 72Hz (highest value seen) to 880 watts (my estimated watts).
I could think about Standby power etc but for the moment it satisfies my requirement.

Yes, if someone finds this useful great, I certainly have learnt a lot from this forum. Thanks. :grinning:


Hi all,

Quick query (I hope)…

Since upgrading to 2022.6, I have the following in my log…

Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Platform error sensor.powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)
Component error: powercalc - cannot import name 'INTEGRATION_METHOD' from 'homeassistant.components.integration.sensor' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/integration/sensor.py)

I am just wondering what I need to do to rectify?

Many thanks.

I suspect you are using an old version of powercalc. This has been been resolved in v0.19.8 :rainbow:, which is an really old version of powercalc.
Please upgrade to latest version v0.21.2.

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That was indeed the issue - apologies!!!