Last evening / night we had a powercut.
My TIC, providing information from the electricity meter to HA (via Z2M) is on zigbee and the current power (in VA) continues to be registered, as expected.
The TIC also provides increasing totals which I then use in a utility meter to track daily usage
The total increasing shows this
The utility meter based on that sensor shows ‘empty’ during the hours of the powercut
Is a powercut preventing the utility meter to function?
Sorry…local talk… the tic is a device that sends data from the electricity meter to Z2M, in my case it sends a.o. the current power (in VA) but also the total/increasing energy (in kWh)
I received all these values during the powercut, just the utility meter seemed to not have written anything to the database…which is odd, or?
This is the combined energy growth on which the utility meter is based, anything with linky_ comes straight from Z2M…and all is entering in HA, see graph above
- name: "Linky Energy HPHC"
unique_id: Linky Energy HPHC
device_class: energy
unit_of_measurement: kWh
state_class: total_increasing
state: "{{ states('sensor.linky_bbrhcjb')|float(0) + states('sensor.linky_bbrhpjb')|float(0) + states('sensor.linky_bbrhcjw')|float(0) + states('sensor.linky_bbrhpjw')|float(0) + states('sensor.linky_bbrhcjr')|float(0) + states('sensor.linky_bbrhpjr')|float(0) }}"
availability: "{{ has_value('sensor.linky_bbrhcjb') and has_value('sensor.linky_bbrhpjb') and has_value('sensor.linky_bbrhcjw') and has_value('sensor.linky_bbrhpjw') and has_value('sensor.linky_bbrhcjr') and has_value('sensor.linky_bbrhpjr') }}"
this is the utility meter
source: sensor.linky_energy_hphc
cycle: daily