Powering an ESP32 through R-C terminals of electric furnace

Hi everyone,

This is a follow-up question/issue to my project from Dec23-Jan24 where I made my own thermostat from and ESP32-4channelRelay-DHT11. I’m not an electrician or a native english speaker so the terms I’ll use will be wrong :yum:

I ended up using this device to power the ESP32, converting 28VAC to 5VDC, connected both input+ wires to the R and C terminals of the furnace and the output+/- to a USB cable


It works fine, for about 24-48h, then the module just stops supplying power to the ESP32. It seems the furnace supplies 27.9VAC but it jumps up to 30VAC from time to time, making this device trip?

I can’t find a comparable device with a wider or more appropriate range (20-40VAC to 5VDC lets say)

Is there a cheap solution to this? something I can put in series to limit the current input to the converter? a different power supply? My last solution will be to use a 5V wall wart and a nearby socket but I would really like to power the ESP32 through the furnace terminals

Thanks for the help!

You may have to design your own circuit or look into a buck converter at least.

I would not go as far as making my own electronic design.

As far as buck converters go, the only ones I find are DC-DC, the only low current AC-DC converter I could find was the one I got

I have found this, i think it would be good?

5-30VAC to DC 3.3-33VDC buck converter?

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check your furnace transformer. What is the label on the side say it is rated for? 27.9VAC on the output makes me think it’s a very cheap transformer and/or could be faulty.

Current limiting doesn’t help you if problem is voltage. Your furnace doesn’t have mains voltage anywhere in it’s terminals??

1 yellow wire goes to the 24V relay, the other one goes to the R terminal I tap into for the thermostat

Also reading on other forums and such, seems like lot of people get 28v on R-C so I dont think its faulty, but I’m no HVAC tech

What do you mean mains voltage? the R terminal should provide low voltage to send to the others to activate heater lvl1-2, fan etc

I see 240 on your image. Take that to 240VAC to 5VDC converter. Ready made like your previous one or just connect it to wires of wall wart…

I mean 40VAC to 5VDC is very uncommon, 240VAC to 5VDC you find in dollar store…

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True just tested a few leads and I could get 240V to a converter or a 100-240VAC to 5VDC wall wart, got plenty of those lying around. It would require fishing a new wire up to the thermostat. I’ll probably try the 30VAC buck converter I linked earlier but I’ll keep your solution in mind, thanks!

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