Powermate P2 Blinds

I purchased some blinds from selectblinds and they use an Allone RF hub and powermate P2 app.

This app does connect with google home (and Alexa) and i can issue voice commands to move the shades.

I have nabu casa cloud for my google assistant connections. Is there any way to get the curtains into home assistant through the google assistant platform. The only work around i could think of to issue commands to move them would be through assistant relay, but i am not keen on using a deprecated project.

Is the easiest path forward just to get a broadlink RF?

I’d love to know this too.

I ended up just going with the broadlink and programming them all. The only issue with this approach is they do not show up as entities, and you have to make a script for each command.

How did you get the broadlink to work with this? I tried and it didn’t work consistently. I read somewhere that selectblinds uses rotating codes. Did you have any trouble programming the broadlink?

I had no issues with the codes. Sometimes i find i need to run the automation a couple times. But in fairness sometimes i have re-press on the remote that came with it.