PowerTodoist-card: Lists, Kanbans, and much more [beta release]

Thanks for quick reply.
Moving command line worked!
Checked the documentation ant yes, command line should be a seperate section, like you just mentioned.

For clarification it worked and before, just got this error/notification that it will not work since the 2023.12

As the developer, I am seeing almost 500 people clicked the link to the repo, but I’m not sure if it’s really being used, and how. I have almost zero feedback.

If anyone wants to tell their story and comment on the card, that would definitely be helpful (and motivational).

I would be especially interested in case people have found other uses besides the basic shopping list or to-do list. If anyone has this more connected to Home Assistant itself, due to the “low-code” features, the ability to distinguish users, etc.


Hi there for sure I wanted to use it and also make some feedback, I’m dev too unfortunetly not Python.

I have tried to setup your card but currently I have an error with the rest part and more in detail this :

- project
- items
- sections
- project_notes

Dev tool complain about things not be a string, I had created an issue in Git.

Thanks for this card, excited about to use it

Enregistreur: homeassistant.config
Source: config.py:1335
S’est produit pour la première fois: 17:25:28 (1 occurrences)
Dernier enregistrement: 17:25:28

Invalid config for ‘sensor’ from integration ‘rest’ at sensors.yaml, line 51: template value should be a string for dictionary value ‘params->json_attributes’, got [‘project’, ‘items’, ‘sections’, ‘project_notes’], please check the docs at RESTful - Home Assistant

Ok, so this is my first time digging into yaml and I’m not a porgram0r as my friends say. I fly jets. Which takes far fewer brain cells. I grabbed yours and the other todoist hacs frontend. I’m using your code in the yaml which seems to differ from the other project only in the order it is in.

When adding both cards, the other one comes up fine (except I really want the ‘today’ list, not a project. However ‘today’ doesn’t have a project ID so for testing I’m using a random project). Your code shows “Sensors don’t have any data yet. Please wait a few seconds and refresh.” It has been saying that for over ten minutes now and I’ve modify the list on todoist to see if it was looking for recent modifications.

Happy to help you delve into what isn’t working right (more than willing to admit it’s me, but what am I doing wrong and how can we prevent others from doing that) and also, how do I show “Today” items since I take from my various projects and grab just what I need done today and don’t give a rats what’s on the project list outside of that?

My dream is creating an HA dakboardish thing, if that matters.

Hi. You seem to have a problem with the sensor configuration, which means that HASS is not able to grab your data from Todoist. My code only kicks in after that, so to speak.

Did you follow the exact instructions provided in my README, not the other add-on’s README?

When setting things up I always advise ensuring you’re seeing data from Todoist before any other configurations of my add-on settings. This can be done be checking Developer tools / States and filtering for the sensor entity you created.

About the Today view, I don’t know exactly how it works since I don’t use it. But you should be able to re-create it in Power-Todoist with the date filtering options, which are quite powerful.

I think my original issue might have been as simple as a typo, not sure as I napalmed and started over copying your code exactly and I can load data from a project.

RE: the Today part though, again, I’m very very new to all of this. I fly jets for a living so this is a whole new rodeo. No matter what filters I use, they are always restricted to the original project defined in the code (under project_id). So even if I figure out the date filtering options, which I haven’t, seems all other filters I’ve tried only pull from the originally define project. But my today is from all sorts of projects (see image)

I’m so confused how people use todoist without using Today! You are not the only one. I feel like a todo list is all about knowing what you need to do today on any given project. Todoist is so powerful and so many ways to use it, I’m just surprised at how many people while digging into this are telling me they don’t. It’s the home screen. HA and these tools are so awesome because they can fit what we all need, but damn that makes it harder to address all uses.

Sorry I’m dumb. I know most of the people reaching out have something to offer but then again, I used to do software QA and if anything, I learned coding to the lowest common denominator is a good thing. I am the lcd now.

It’s not that people don’t use “Today” in todoist, they just don’t use it from inside Home Assistant.

Todoist is a great mobile and web app, that’s what you should be using to get your tasks going.

From within HASS, your experience is always going to be a lot more limited (but potentially more connected to your home devices, or to home users).

One of the primordial limitations is the project. Since this card loads information from the Todoist API as a sensor, and it queries the API specifying a project_id, it will always be limited to a single project, you’re never going to see combined information from several projects.

The most you could get is having several sensors, one for each project, and then several cards showing information from each, filtered by dates if you want.

I hope this helps at least a bit

Hey @pgr!

I thought I’d circle back here since I started using this card again. The current version is working exactly as I hoped when I first tried it. And I also wanted to share a photo, in case folks were having difficulties visualizing how or why this might be practical:

This is a Google Nest Hub Max in my kitchen. Tasks are only those due today (or overdue, but that doesn’t happpen), and are in time-order (thus breakfast before lunch, etc).

Thanks for all of your hard work on this - it’s greatly appreciated!

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Thanks, I appreciate the positive feedback.

I would also like to see more people sharing their stories of how they use the card, I’m really curious if anyone is actually using this for a full Kanban, or to trigger Home Assistant automations, etc

Question for you, though not related to the card and more to your Todoist knowledge and how it relates to HA, as you answered some questions for me to that regard over a year ago.

Basically - I’ve been playing with espresense and I’d like to be able to use it hand in hand with Todoist; So if I enter a particular room (read: espresense senses me in said room), I’d like for an automation or script to check if a task is complete, and if not, prompt me to do it.

I already had issues with executive dysfunction, but a recent cancer diagnosis confirmed also that I’ve been dealing with additional “brain fog” on top of that. So I really need to be reminded more than the average bear.

Thanks for any thoughts you might be able to spare.

Hi! Sorry to hear those news - I will pray for you :pray:

I am not sure how to achieve what you want, but I think it should be possible. With scripts, you could do basically anything, but that requires some Python which is not my thing.

With simple automations, it should also be possible, I think you could try first creating a sensor directed specifically at the task you want to know if it is done. So, instead of having a sensor that gets everything from Todoist API, so that my add-on then filters and organizes what to show, you would have a separate sensor (totally unrelated to my add-on) that grabs a specific task and (probably using a value template) compresses the returned info into a simple boolean true/false indicating if the task is done.

This should then be straight-forward to use in the automation.

Good luck and if you get it working, tell us how you did it. If you have difficulties I suggest asking in the forums, in a more generic format (“I have this sensor that grabs everything, help me get a duplicate sensor with just the state of one item”).

Thank you on all counts - I think I’m following what you’re saying.

The mini pc I have running Proxmox (which holds HA) decided to kick the bucket (better it than me?) so I’ll have to attack this again once I’m back online.


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hey @pgr ! As I noted in my last comment, I (unintentionally) nuked my Proxmox server and then made the decision to quasi start over rather than rebuild. Well, I rebuilt enough to be able to copy information over but the new system is much better equiped for anything. I digress…

I’ve been doing a LOT of copy/pasting, including cards that I had working just fine beforehand that are now showing this instead:


The code is

type: custom:powertodoist-card
entity: sensor.bens_bedroom
show_item_delete: false
show_completed: 0
show_item_add: false
filter_today_overdue: true
show_header: false
sort_by_due_date: ascending
filter_show_dates_ending: '0'

The sensors are pulling in data (you can see it’s due today):


Any ideas? Surgery is Monday, and I’d at least like to have this working again in the kitchen (the one you saw in the photo I posted a month or so ago) so my caretaker will be able to mark down when she’s fed the furkids.

Hi. I think this has to be a sensor problem, getting data from sensors is really happening before my code ever gets to do anything.

I suggest a full OS-level reboot, sometimes I’ve seen this “unblock” sensors.

Other than that, check that you really have fresh data showing in the sensor, not just today’s date which could have been set days ago, but add a task with a funny name and see it appear.

I have attempted using CSS and CardMod without success. Is there a way to change font size and spacing/padding between items on the list?

I would expect Cardmod to work…

There aren’t proper CSS options, I mentioned that here:

If you do try to change the JS file, bear in mind that you will need to re-zip it:

Sorry for never getting back to you. I did solve the issue. I don’t remember now what it was, but I feel like it was something pretty dumb on my end.

Still one of my favorite cards.

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Hi, thx for this implementation.
I now tried a few hours and got the entity filed with values from the webside and can see them under the developer stuff.
Now I put the js file in the config/ww folder manual (it was missed after the instalation) but in the UI I only get this:

Any ideas how to get this working?
Thx and Cheers

Hi again,
now I have seen that the “sensor.label_colors” is not created. Don’t know why but I can only see “sensor.to_do_list” with values


… but the lable_colors is not visible there…

…both are defined in my sensor.yaml

and the rest_command is still in the configuration.yaml located


So what I’m doing wrong?


Fixed it. Problem was that I put all sensors in my sensor.yaml.
But I need to relocate the 'platform: command_line" - part to my configuration.yaml and have to change it like this:

  - sensor:
      name: label_colors
      command: !secret todoist_cmd_with_api_token
      value_template: > 
          {{ value_json.label_colors | length }}
          - label_colors 
      scan_interval: 200

Now its working. :slight_smile:

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