Powervault Intergration

Spotted that no one appears to have sorted this yet. So … add this to your config file (obviously, get your API key sorted and you’ll need to know your P3 version.).

  - resource_template: https://api.p3.powervault.co.uk/v3/unit/P3-xxxx/data?
    scan_interval: 1
      accept: application/json
      x-api-key: !secret powervault_key
      - name: "PowerVault SOC"
        value_template: '{{ (value_json["data"][0].instant_soc | int) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
      - name: "PowerVault Solar"
        value_template: '{{ (value_json["data"][0].instant_solar | int / 1000 ) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: W
      - name: "PowerVault House Using"
        value_template: '{{ (value_json["data"][0].homeConsumed | int / 1000 ) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: W
      - name: "PowerVault Solar Export"
        value_template: '{{ (value_json["data"][0].solarExported | int / 1000 ) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: W
      - name: "PowerVault Grid Import"
        value_template: '{{ (value_json["data"][0].instant_grid | int / 1000 ) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: W
      - name: "PowerVault Battery Flow"
        value_template: '{{ (value_json["data"][0].instant_battery | int / 1000 ) }}'
        unit_of_measurement: W

There are other fields / records or whatever it’s called to be added if needed. Anyone want help then shout :).

Just found this - I have long wanted to access my Powervault through Home Assistant.
Will it be possible to control the charging/discharging do you think?
I’m afraid I am no use with coding, otherwise would be keen to help.
Off to request my API key now.

Meantime thanks for posting this!

Yer probably very easy.

I’ve not tried as I simply have my battery now set to ‘Force Charge’ between the hours of 12.35am - 4.20am. So it’s always at pretty much full when I wake. Any excess charge through the day (if we had low use) trickles into the car(s). We never have everything full here so leakage back to the grid isn’t an issue.

(And give us a shout if you have any problems.)

Thanks for that - just got a reply from Powervault - they are looking for £60 a year for the API key! Did you get the same thing? Seems pretty salty.

Anyway… I am on Octopus Intelligent, and controlling the battery would be great for taking advantage of the random cheap times that seem to crop up through the day. Not only to charge at those times, but to stop the battery discharging when the prices are cheap. Powervault have their own OI ‘Smartstor’ but it only seems to set the battery to charge at night in the set 2330-0530 guaranteed cheap window - a bit disappointing.

Andy, I got the same thing which I thought was very steep. I could see a one-off charge but not £60 a year. Very short sighted in my opinion as there’s lots of innovation that could be happening but wont at that price.

Yer, I was pretty discussed about the charge for the API also. Managed to wangle a few year for free due to various things. They need to be careful as charging for API access like this will turn off the exact type of people that the surely want buying their hardware.

Hope it doesn’t take a hard lesson before they learn this.

I’ve been in touch with them to advise them of this exact point. They could in effect damage their future business as innovators will use other products.

I have been using GitHub - adammcdonagh/home-assistant-powervault: A Home Assistant custom integration for Powervault home storage batteries since July 2023.
It does exactly what you would expect to control and monitor the battery,etc.

Ooooh cracking, I can bin my custom YAML config crap then. Thank you.

Hello. I’m the developer of that HA integration. I’ve recently updated it with the new “beta” API. The API has been terrible lately in terms of performance, but I have added quite a few improvements to it. Hopefully this can be of use to a few others.

One key feature I added was the ability to override the battery state, so you can control the charging state etc from HA. I have this fully integrated with EMHASS which generates a schedule for the battery overnight. It’s also integrated with my Ohme charger, so the battery will switch to Import Only mode while the car is charging,