Powerwall Integration Help (newbie)

Hi, I’m new to Home Assistant and came across it looking for a way to display my Tesla Powerwall status on screens around my home. I am having trouble trying to get a Powerwall integration up and running. I was able to connect using my local IP but the all the sensors weren’t visible to use in a energy dashboard. I then had my Gateway 2 replaced as it went faulty. I now cannot connect/login using the two local IP address (that show as Tesla on my local network) along with the last 5 digits of my password. I have also tried the full password without success.

I then downloaded a custom integration and connected using a token. However when I try to setup the sensors on the energy dashboard I only see one sensor and that reports as an unexpected device class -

'Unexpected device class
The following entities do not have the expected device class:

  • sensor.my_house_2_battery_remaining (battery)’

I’m completely new to all this and now at a lose. Any help would be appreciated.



If the sensors exist then they are not configured correctly. To do this, you would have to search for the sensor under Developer tool/Conditions. Enter the name of the entity. The sensor must not output the values ​​in watts and must look like this for the attributes.

Thank you for your reply. The sensors are set to W and Power. I have tried to change teh values to kWh and energy but the values won’t save. If I leave the page and re-check they go back to the previous settings. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks again


You need to create a helper sensor with Riemann Sum Integral Sensor, Left Riemann Sum and create the sensor there.

Again thank you for your reply. I created a new sensor but I don’t know how to define the State_Class it defaults to total and I assume it needs to be measure to read the current solar live generation.

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

And it still isn’t working? I see my working sensors here all have state_class: total, also done with Riemann Sum Integration (although they’re for device spent power, not inputting to a battery like yours).


Maybe you can help me: i have problems to login with the ip address from the gateway (found in my FRITZ!Box) and the password. wether the 5 last letters nor the whole password is working. How do you connect you Powerwall? Thank you in advance
Best Martin

May I ask why you recommend the “Left Riemann Sum”, rather than “Trapezoidal” or “Right”, please?

EDIT: Found this in the documentation:

In case you expect that your source sensor will provide several subsequent values that are equal, you should opt for the left method to get accurate readings.