Prana 150 homeassistant integration

I don’t remember what the original password was, but now when I log in for the first time with my phone it is 0000.
You need to upload this integration via HACS as a custom repository, then you will be able to add the Prana integration.
I checked the standard password is 0000, so it’s correct.

I already have the integration installed, but it doesn’t auto discover the prana, it just asks for bt mac address and i cannot find that mac addr. in any way… Did auto discover worked for you? Or how did you manage to find prana mac address?

But do you have the module and Bluetooth proxy installed? I didn’t have to enter the address manually, it found the recuperator itself. If you want to know the MAC, install applications such as mac adress scanner on your phone.

I have multiple esp32 whith bt proxy activated already (with one of them really close to one of the pranas) and the bt apps i tried only shows uuid and not mac address (using iphone and mac) with a ton of gsearch yelding no results…

The prana has both bt and wifi

Try the Bluetooth mac address finder application with an older Android phone, I only have bluetooth in Prana.

I managed to start the operation of the recuperators but using alextud integration GitHub - alextud/ha-prana: Prana recuperators (fan) for Home Assistant
it works for now, you can control it as described in the integration, but I miss the possibility of automating the recuperators

I finally managed to make auto-discovery work totally by accident!

I was trying to connect a gardena bluetooth water controller and would not discover it… I stumbled on to a esphome documentation regarding bluetooth proxy that seems to turn on active mode (which was off by default). adding the line: active:true beneath bluetooth_proxy: and saving the config, not only discovered the gardena controller, but i was surprised to see that it auto-discovered one of my pranas! From there i updated the config to all esp’s and now i have all prana devices in ha!

TLDR: add this to all esp configs in range of your pranas and wait a couple of minutes and you should see your prana auto discovered in Devices & Services section!

Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 12.21.02

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can you post the entire esp32 config please? i might be doing something wrong because i have that enabled but it cannot autodetect the prana

After you enable bluetooth proxy, try to reboot also prana. (power off / power on)

Sure, see the attached image.

Make sure the prana has it’s default bt passcode of “0000”. I remember that one of my pranas was not showing up, but after i set the passcode back to 0000, it was discovered.

Another pro tip: try to keep the esp device as close as possible to the prana during discovery and setup. I belive this helps the esp discover the prana a little quicker.

thank you for this. i had the same config.

i cannot check what password is set because no app works anymore with prana.

what repo are you using for the integration?

This is the integration: GitHub - zauan/hassio-prana: A prana custom addon that allows you to integrate Prana ventilation system.

Try the prana 2.0 app. The old app doesn’t work anymore. Try to set the passcode of the pranas to “0000”

I was able to add prana to HA using hassio-prana integration and bluetooth proxy. However functionality is very limited. My main goal is to read all sensor data. After some researching I found this esphome component for Prana on github > , but I’m unable to make it work (device was discovered but no entities are shown except firmware). I’m fairly new to ESPHome so maybe I’m doing something wrong. Here is my template:

  name: prana
  friendly_name: prana

# Strongly recommended to use IDF framework instead of arduino.
  board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1
    type: esp-idf

# Enable logging
  level: DEBUG

# Enable Home Assistant API

  - platform: esphome
    password: "OTA_PASSWORD"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Prana Fallback Hotspot"
    password: !secret wifi_password


# MAC address can be obtained via "BLE Scanner app on your smartphone or BLE Client Tracker component"
# TODO: try to merge it with "prana_ble"
  - mac_address: MY_PRANA_BLE_MAC_ADDRESS
    id: prana

  id: prana_client
  ble_client_id: prana

# voltage and frequency sensors should be accessible for all models
  - platform: prana_ble
    prana_ble_id: prana_client
      name: "Prana voltage"
      name: "Prana frequency"

# Switch to turn off BLE connection. Useful if you want to connect from native smartphone app
  - platform: prana_ble
    prana_ble_id: prana_client
      name: prana_connect
      restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
      id: enable
      name: prana_enable
      id: heating
      name: prana_heating
      name: prana_winter_mode

# TODO: make option to control in/out fans
  - platform: prana_ble
    prana_ble_id: prana_client
    name: prana_fan

  - source: github://voed/esphome_prana_ble
    components: [prana_ble]

For someone who will look for integration.

This esphome component the best solution to integrate prana into HA from what I tried > GitHub - voed/esphome_prana_ble: ESPHome component for Prana recuperators . It supports all the sensors from the latest prana models. There is still some improvement that can be made but core functionality is in place.

My config for prana 150 eco life series:

  name: prana
  friendly_name: prana

# Strongly recommended to use IDF framework instead of arduino.
  board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1
    type: arduino

# Enable logging
  level: DEBUG

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "my_key"

  - platform: esphome
    password: "my_pass"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Prana Fallback Hotspot"
    password: !secret wifi_password


# MAC address can be obtained via "BLE Scanner app on your smartphone or BLE Client Tracker component"
# TODO: try to merge it with "prana_ble"
  - mac_address: my_prana_mac
    id: prana

  id: prana_client
  ble_client_id: prana

# Voltage and frequency sensors should be accessible for all models
  - platform: prana_ble
    prana_ble_id: prana_client
      name: "co2"
      name: "pressure"
      name: "humidity"
      name: "tvoc"
    temperature_inside_inlet: # top left sensor in Prana app
      name: "temperature inside 2" 
    temperature_inside_outlet: # bottom left sensor in Prana app
      name: "temperature inside" 
    temperature_outside_inlet:  # top right sensor in Prana app
      name: "temperature outside"
    temperature_outside_outlet: # bottom right sensor in Prana app
      name: "temperature outside 2"

  - platform: prana_ble
    prana_ble_id: prana_client
    connect: # Switch to turn off BLE connection between recuperator and ESP32. Useful if you want to connect from native smartphone app
      name: connect
      restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
    enable: # turn on/off the device
      id: enable
      name: power
    auto_mode:  # turn on/off "auto" mode. Untested.
      name: auto

# TODO: make option to control in/out fans
  - platform: prana_ble
    prana_ble_id: prana_client
    name: fan

  - source: github://voed/esphome_prana_ble
    components: [prana_ble]
    refresh: 1min
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Hi DarkmanXV, sorry but I don’t know how esphome works. As far as I understood it’s an alternative firmware for microcontrollers. You mean you flashed the prana recuperator with esphome firmware?

No, in prana case we just use esphome as bluetooth remote/proxy. Basically it’s same as in a prana app you can control prana via bluetooth. You need any esp32 controller, flash it with esphome and configure with the component above. For example I’m using Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 ( which comes with external antenna so I can place my esp32 in another room and still be able to control recuperator.

Ok, maybe is it possible to use raspberry built-in bluetooth antenna

No. ESPHome works only with ESP controllers and only ESP32 variants have bluetooth